Today marks a day of change.
Even before I could drive, I walked the halls at Merrill Lynch as an intern for my dad. Merrill hired me officially as soon as I turned 18...and I joined on full time as soon as I finished college at 21 in 1999.
I've been part of the Tacoma office for a few days shy of 6000.
As our industry is highly regulated, I've rarely blogged on my profession with the exception of highlighting the firm's commitment to responsible citizenship: giving back to the community around us.
Though the past year has been, at times, enormously difficult for our firm, there is great hope and optimism ahead.
In short, I am immensely proud to have worked for Merrill Lynch.
I could not have asked for better directors (Michael Nielsen, Dennis Bloom and George Kane - to be specific) or greater opportunity to excel as a young woman in a male dominated industry. Having the chance to work alongside my father for the past 16 years has been an incredible blessing.
Though Jonathan and I have been preparing for this for the past year, it still seems a bit surreal to know that this chapter in my life is ending. There is another blog post to come...but here's the reader's digest version in the meantime.
A few months ago, two days after we decided that I was going to retire early, we found a abnormal growth on the back of Thomas's head. Needless to say, we began questioning what we were called to do -- were we hearing a different response to our prayers for guidance? Were we supposed to continue to be patient and wait? Was this something totally different?
It was during this time that we were affirmed in our decision to focus on our family. Over the next few appointments that he had, the growth seemed to be shrinking. I gave four weeks notice to our team, and prayed for Thomas's health (and peace for us in the meantime). And a few weeks later, the growth had disappeared.
Every choice that we make in the life is not only a choice to do something, but a choice to not do something. Growing up, my mom was able to stay home with us. Jonathan's dad was able to stay home with him. It's not something that works for everyone, but we hope to make it work for us.
And that leads me to today. For me, for us, for our family...this is right where we want to be.
We are blessed that I will have the chance to stay home with Thomas. To help focus in on him and our family.

And for the first time in my career, I am wondering what life will be like not lived on east coast time (when the market opens at 6:30 Pacific, 9:30 Eastern).
I am definitely looking forward to finding out.
What wonderful news Shelley! I have enjoyed reading your blog for a couple years now and each time you open a new chapter of your life I am excited right along with you.
Thank you for sharing your new adventures with all of us fellow moms out in the great world wide web!
Many blessings to you and your family :-)
I'm so excited for you, Shelley! Enjoy this new step in your family's life...
YAHOO...so happy for ALL of you!!! ;-)
There is nothing more important than being able to raise your child and not leave it to someome else, i was able to do so by having my cleaning business, not the most attractive job, but i had my flexibility.Kudos to you and your son will be better off in the long run having you there for him.
I am so very proud of you my friend, for all you do for your community and your contributions to the firm and for making this decision for the health and love of your family. I am so lucky to have met you and worked with you on promoting Relay throughout Merrill. My thoughts are with you today.
I think you will find that being at home is just as much work as being at work, but different work... does that make any sense??? Way cute pics on this post Shelley! -Lindsay
Oh my what a fun and exciting chapter you are in for now! I so wish we lived closer to eachother so we could be stay at home moms together. It's fun but adult conversation is essential! Enjoy! (And yes I need to call you for his 18 month pics). Have a great day! Melissa Wilson
That's wonderful....We decided that I would stay home years ago and I've had moments of what if, but in the long run the kids matter most and I would not change anything. We have been through some hard times over the years and God has always helped in what ever the area is and I know he will do the same for you guys. I love being with my kids so much I even decided to homeschool this year. We're both starting new journeys......they grow up so fast, have fun!!;)
Jenny Brewster
What an amazing post and I am so excited for your new journey ahead. Life is about changes - I am learning that myself and sometimes we just have to take that leap of faith. You are a dear friend and unbelievably talented in so many ways. I am so happy for you and thomas is too!!! Carrie Anderson
Congratulations, my dear friend. I am so happy for you and for your sweet baby boy. I know it's hard when one chapter in your life closes. But wow -- what a fabulous new one you're starting!
Let's make some Monday play dates for the boys (and for us)!
Much love to you, Jonathan and the Wee Ski ... I hope you celebrate big tonight.
God bless you, as always, on your journey. Must feel absolutely insane, but I know you are making exactly the right choice. I cannot wait to see what new adventures await you as you turn the page! I don't believe you will have any free time, but you wouldn't really like that anyway, right? I am so happy for you, Jonathan and Thomas!
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