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Early morning Thomas • 6:50 am
Thinking about crawling, but deciding it's way easier to just sit.

The Babycook • 7:11 am
I ♥ this thing. I use it all. the. time. Steaming up some peas for the Wee Ski.

Rip roaring to go • 7:41 am

Swapping out the Missalettes • 8:24 am
Just after Mass. Always wondered when this type of stuff happens or if the Missalette angel just comes in and swaps them out when no one is looking. The Wee Ski provided entertainment.

Stained Glass in the Chapel • 8:36 am
I love this stained glass. I love Christmas.

The wild and wooly Christmas trees • 9:45 am
Aren't they fluffy? With the 100°+ weather we've had lately, they shot right up (again) and are ready for shearing in October. Then it will be Christmas season!! This is off our driveway.

Cold and rainy day chili • 10:24 am
Thrown in the crock pot. LOVE the chili powder from Penzeys.

Two peas in a pod • 12:45 pm
Maggie looks like a giant and Thomas like a tiny little mister.

Everybody on rain watch • 12:50 pm
Checking out the pouring rain from the deck.

En route to the dentist • 2:10 pm
He shouldn't be crying. He has no teeth yet. Seriously.

Feet are good. • 5:00 pm
At Group Health, waiting for the Relay For Life kickoff meeting and feeding the Wee Ski. Thomas has been a champ - went to the dentist and the Toyota dealership with getting his second (or third) wind for his last meeting of the day. For him, that means eating his feet.

Post meeting wrapup and drive by shot • 7:24 pm
Al, Janell and Jonathan recaping the successful meeting. We are tired and ready for bed!!
Looks & sounds like another great day!
Happy Thursday!
~ Kathy
The picture of Thomas and Maggie is great! It's playing with the eyes and makes you look at least twice to check if it's really true. :D
Great pictures!
Christin (fellow 12'er)
The two things I notice:
1. Daniel and Thomas have a lot of the same clothes. I guess that's what happens when you're born less than a month apart.
2. Don't you just LOVE Penzey's? They are the best spices out there! (A few years ago I went to the Penzey's store in Portland. Heaven.)
Penzeys is the best! I had no idea they had a store in Portland...can't wait until I'm down there!!
And yes, it totally makes sense that they are clothing buddies. :) Perhaps it's also that their moms have good wee fashion taste.
Awesome photos -- and Wee Ski is SO ADORABLE! Those eyes.... wow! And I too am a HUGE Penzey fan. I use the Vietnamese Cinamon on my cinamon rolls for a zesty taste.... and the Jerk seasoning rocks too. LOVE THEM! Your photos rock. xxoo
That first photo, and the first of the Maggie/Thomas photos, are adorable! And the Christmas tree photo is lovely - very relaxing!
Sorry I'm late - busy at work and then a long weekend away!
Helen (Dogeared)
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