Incredible vacation. Made the drive back in less than five hours, and came home to a very happy dog and chickens.
So grateful for the past few days with family. Loved spending time with Mike, Kristine and Avila. Jonathan and Dad had some good bonding time. Mom was in grandma heaven with both grandbabies under the same roof for a week.
Lots of photos to come, but need to check these off first:
- Finishing the wash from the trip (so glad that I divided the suitcases into CLEAN and DIRTY - already separated and ready to be unpacked or thrown in the washer!).
- Sorting through the fridge. Writing the shopping list.
- Updating the calendar for what's left of the month.
- Going through emails and mail.
- Getting the boys up and to Mass this morning.
- Working on getting Thomas back into the 'home routine'.
Coming back home is a little tougher with a little one than I'd imagined.
So grateful to Fr. Raftis - who stayed at our home while we were gone.
Maggie kept him good company, the chickens were happy, and he had a chance to unwind before heading across the mountains to Montana to his new parish. He filled in for Fr. Terence at St. Columban for daily Mass...and I can only imagine how they loved him. Loved coming home to the home cared for while we were gone.
Thanks, Father! :)
We had such a blast, too!! I can't wait to swap pics and to get together like this again :)
You are so freaking tan! Never mind Hawaii, I think that I will need to go over to Chelan in order to even sort of compete with you! Makes me miss that old trampoline a little bit... Lindsay
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