...and for my list:
- My incredible husband who loves without fail and gives without counting the cost
- My sweet little son who smiles with his mouth wide open (just like his mommy) - who is healthy and thriving following a difficult pregnancy and challenging birth
- Family that is beyond comparison -- especially getting to spend time with a number of them this weekend in Iowa & Minnesota
- Waking up each morning on the farm
- A lovable polar bear crossed with a raccoon in our big Akita named Maggie
- Bittersweet memories of our maltapomapoo, Viper
- Being able to fight back against cancer through the Relay For Life, especially for those who have lost their voice in the fight (Mama Mary Ski, especially)'
- Being overwhelmed with emotion when reading through what everyone else is grateful for -- from "After the storm..."
Truly, with each comment, my heart found a bit more peace + joy following Viper's disappearance. I loved hearing your stories and what you were grateful -- especially if I'd never connected with you before! And especially to those who I haven't seen in ages (MzPoodle2U!)...
From my heart, thank you for de-lurking...for becoming the silver lining to a week that was often times very, very sad.
If you need a lift...I encourage you to go read through the list. It will make your heart happier. I promise.
We are all so very blessed. Sometimes it's just more difficult to see and a reminder never hurts. :)
One of the comments brought specific tears to my eyes -- Abby Ronnebeck -- and I would love to make a luminaria for your mom to glow throughout the night at our Relay For Life this weekend. Abby, will you email me her name? I'd love for it to be more personal than "Celebrating Abby's Mom"! :)
And thanks to random.org...here's the lucky winners of a few things that make my day...and will hopefully make yours!
The winner of a gift card for a DQ Blizzard...
#12 • Emily
June 16, 2009 at 9:18 am
The winner of a gift card for a treat from Starbucks...
#18 • Shannon
June 16, 2009 at 2:52 pm
The winner of a Visa gift card for a little something that you want...
#14 • Marquelle
June 16, 2009 at 9:44 am
Emily, Shannon and Marquelle...shoot me an email at shelley {at} finianroad {dot} com with your mailing address! Congrats!! :)
That Mr. Thomas, awesome smile (as always)!!!
What a great post to read first thing in the morning and remind us all to be grateful for all the things in our lives!
Happy Monday!
~ Kathy
I’m beyond honored that you would light a luminaria for my Mom, her name is Dianne Nielsen (www.dianneshope.blogspot.com) and she was just diagnosed this month. We’re all trying to figure out what this cancer thing is all about and what it means for our family, and I know that extra prayers are truly appreciated.
I’m so inspired by your talent, photographic, relay & blogging I am truly honored that you thought of me in this post. God sends us amazing connections in our life, I would love to get connected in to Relay, and I know you’re just the gal to help me with that.
My e-mail address is mrs.ronnebeck@live.com
Talk with you soon.
In Christ,
Abby Ronnebeck
Love - love - love this photo of Thomas.... what a CUTIE! Great photo - but what an amazing subject you have born into this world. :) :)
I am best friends with abby ronabecks neice. i think what you are doing i awsome. I encourage you to keep doing what you do and maybe even check out my blog at http://theblackiris.blogspot.com . Keep doing what you do.
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