Dear Papa,
I am so lucky to have you as my papa. Thank you for teaching me how to nap more, and for playing with me early in the morning when I know you want to sleep. You take such good care of me.
You are my superhero - with awesome superpowers like helping me fly, convincing Mommy to change my diaper for you, making up words to stories when you want to spice up my baby books, and coming to my rescue when I am crying at night and need you.
Thanks for letting me visit your office and meet Mr. Potato Head. He does seem a little bit creepy though. Did you notice his body parts can come off? I hope my eyes don't fall off like his do. Do all attorneys have cool toys like that in their office?
I am so excited to come home today from Iowa to see you - four days apart is too long. I can't wait to take our first official vacation together this summer! Will you take me swimming and for walks?
I love you more than you could ever imagine, and someday, I'll be able to tell you that. Until then, just know that my smile means that I'm the happiest little boy in the whole wide world. Whatever a world is. I'll probably learn about that when I am six months old, right?
Happy Papa's Day!
Thomas "Taco" Sprouffske

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