Thomas's baptismal gown was crocheted by his Grandpa Ski (Jonathan's dad) and the blue slip underneath was stitched by him as well. A treasure in that Jonathan wore it for his own baptism year's ago.
Choosing the godparents for Thomas was one of the first things we did as new parents, even though Thomas was "Baby Angus" at the time, and his heart had just started beating in the womb. While we were wading through the first weeks of pregnancy, each of us had a "vault" - someone we trusted and could go to for support and advice. Liz was my vault, and Noah was Jonathan's. We are so blessed to have them in our lives - they were among the first to visit him in Special Care, and were such a support through the pregnancy as well as throughout the first rough weeks.
Noah gave Thomas his first "manly Rosary", a beautiful gift. Liz gave him a wee Bible for him as a little one, and both pledged to assist us in raising him in the Catholic faith. This is just the first step in his life of faith.
Father told me we could shoot as many photos as we sweet was that? Liz's dad, Rich, stepped in to shoot these. Loved how they turned out.
Father making the sign of the cross on his forehead...

The holy water

After the anointing with Chrism

Presenting the Wee Ski to the congregation

With the godparents

My family

With the Brownrices

Seriously...the women putting on the bake sale could not have picked a better day for my family to show up. :) Cha-ching.

Afterwards, with the oil still on his forehead... :)

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