
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday evening happies

In no particular order...

  • Sunshine. From snow on April Fools Day to 70 degrees today. I'd forgotten about the joy of an open sunroof and George Michael in the changer. I apologize to everyone off Waldrick Road who was forced to listen to my singing while I was driving yesterday sans child. They should just be happy that they aren't my son who normally has to listen to me sing all. day. long.
  • My BlackBerry. It is the best way to stay awake in the middle of the night when the Wee Ski is nursing. I love that the News Tribune updates their news stories from the morning paper around midnight-ish, so I can read the paper without turning on any lights or moving any pages. And it lets me read blog posts of fellow midnight mommies like Kate hot off the press at 3 in the morning. :)
  • Thomas in his first Relay For Life shirt. I thought I was really planning ahead when I picked up a 6-month shirt for him, thinking he would only wear it at Relay. It's a wee bit big on him right now. It's more like a Relay dress right now. A really manly cancer fighting dress. And speaking of Relay...
  • The Shoot to Fight Cancer. I can't believe that we've already sold $425 worth of tickets! Have you gotten your tickets yet?
  • Spending good, quality time with Jonathan and Thomas over the weekend. Jonathan took Friday off for his birthday...hit daily Mass as a fam, stopped by the fire station with the Wee Ski, and had lunch with Mark at the Ram together. They went off to Cabelas for some male bonding time. The Wee Ski and I were exhausted, and went to sleep around 5 pm. We slept in until 9 the next morning. Lots of naps and family time with both sides of the fam.
  • Good food. We had greek chicken pitas tonight with sweet corn. Sweet and sour beef the other night, and a bit of sweets -- just out of the oven chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream.
  • And the Wee Ski has been asleep for an hour. We think he's heading for a growth spurt as he nears three months - he was a bit of the Fussmaster Flex tonight. Some tears as he was trying to stay awake...but as soon as we finished the nighttime routine, he was sound asleep. Shhh....

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