Although the groomsmen were picked months ago, after weeks of badgering by Shelley I have finally asked all of my groomsmen, so it’s now safe to let all of the loyal reader’s of Viper’s World know the starting lineup. So here is the first of several short features, on the groomsmen. Please tolerate my blogging skills as I know these posts and pictures might not be quiet up to par with the posts you have become accustomed to.
Mark, Groomsman
I first met Mark when I was working for LexisNexis at Seattle U. A man who strangely resembles Bill Clinton came up to the table where I was working and said, “Mark Arend, How are you doing, I’m new.” Never afraid to go outside his comfort zone he is always available for an animated story or joke at his expense. I got to know him better when he was hired on at Smith Alling Lane(SAL) as my legal intern partner in crime. He was one of the first to break the greatest gossip story that ever hit SAL(Jonathan was dating someone), and I quickly found out that several of the legal assistants had bookmarked Viper’s World after Mark had introduced them to this wonderful insight into the personal life of Jonathan. For those of you at Relay he was the one holding the ring so Shelley wouldn’t catch me with it.
Sorry Ladies, you might be thinking that this is guy is way to good to be true, but I hate to inform you that he is taken by the amazing Susan. Like me he follows the motto of marry people that are better looking and smarter than you. He also has three amazing kids. In my last moot court competition in law school I teamed up with Mark, we had a great time, and his daughter and Shelley were our two witnesses. I think they had more fun together critiquing Mark and my performance, and watching us squirm.

His two sons can be seen above at Relay For Life where Mark defected from Smith Alling Lane to my Gordon Thomas Honeywell Team. Hmm, wonder if he will come down to Olympia for the Connolly Tacon Meserve Team next year.

The GTH team pic immediately following us getting engaged. He is behind me all the way to the Right.

From 2006, the two Commissioners of the BOC, an annual Olympic type event that involves a variety of manly competitions.
Seriously who would have thought we would have a Bill Clinton look-a-like at our wedding?
So here we are the Top 5 Reasons why I picked Mark:
1. A great friend, throughout law school.
2. We are both SAL survivors.
3. He is a living model of a great father, and husband
4. Great sense of humor, and problem solver when things start to go wrong.
5. If he can be a commissioner of the BOC he can do anything.
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