what happens when your two best friends live hours away from each other?
you celebrate a june birthday in mid-september. :)
stella, vickie and i headed south to portland for a much-needed and overdue girls weekend...where we indulged at bridgeport village, the outlets at woodburn, and capped it off with a few hours down at oktoberfest at mt. angel.
some of the highlights?
- learning that it is possible to drive 22 mph on i-5 and not be stuck in traffic. no...no...that's just how stella drives. it should be noted that she drives 30+ mph in parking lots - so it might be the diesel fumes that are switching up the details in her mind. it was sweet, though, using just 1/8 of a tank for the entire drive to portland. imagine how good it would have been if we got out of 3rd gear!! ha ha!
- catching up with vickie and stella - where we weren't rushing off to something. good time to just chill and talk. balancing multiple conversations + text messaging + cell calls at the same time.
- the. best. chinese. food. ever. seriously. it was that good. it's called "yun wah" and it's in woodburn. don't miss it if you are within 100 miles. we were in heaven. we took everything back to the hotel for late night munching.
the best quote at the chinese restaurant? said to me, about stella... "she look oriental!" - picked up some beachy tropical clothes for the prince for our honeymoon. he's not too keen on "beachy tropical clothes" yet - but by december 30th - i'm hoping he will be!
- finding the stash tea factory store - where i picked up the first item in the 'out of town welcome baskets' for our guests for the wedding.
stella, in front of my house, dousing the vw with holy water. evidently, it's very serious business when she does it. :)

vickie and i...before heading out...check out the humidity-inspired curls! they were 2x as big when i got back...

at bridgeport village...

it was like the mothership was calling me home...

my fortune... :)

our late saturday night escapades...

a good weekend together. in fact, one of my last low-key weekends before the wedding.
time's counting down...and no better way to celebrate than a weekend away with my maids of honor... ♥ i love you two!
A MAC store? Oh. My. Gosh. I think I need to go back to Oregon again ... soon.
"No better way to celebrate than a weekend away with my maids of honor"??? How about with your future husband? Huh??? What am I chopped liver?
mac store...sales tax-free!! whoo hoo!
i don't like chopped liver...so i'm guessing you aren't that. and you and i celebrated my birthday at relay, remember? the whole proposal thing? :)
Hello, Stella was there too, why does she get two B-day parties???
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