Lots of good things and sweet finds...
- Friday was a full day with Thomas - lunch with Mike, a signature baby shoot with Finian Road, adoration at St. Charles, and a surprise that night...a night on my own! Jonathan and Thomas headed out to a shindig with the fire department, and they had some father/son bonding time. Everyone loved meeting the Wee Ski, and he was wiped out by the time he got home.
I had three hours all by myself -- which I hadn't truly had since he was born. Of course, that time was spent cleaning the house, organizing the kitchen, and doing laundry...but it was uninterrupted time. I was amazed at how much I could get done! And I actually made a meal for myself and ate it while it was still hot. Sauteed shrimp, broccoli and brown rice (not to be confused with BrownRice) with a glass of riesling. - Saturday morning had me nursing my quadriceps...as it was my first shoot with Thomas in his sling in front, my heavy camera bag on my hip, and a ton of squatting for a 9 month old! That is evidently the way to get back into shape with a newborn!
- Organized how I want to scrapbook for the rest of the year.
I finished off Thomas's baby scrapbook (maternity to one month). Decided to pull all of his monthly letters into a separate 8x8 book, and finally to do a 12x12 2009 book of our family. The page above is from the 2009 book. Idea loosely scraplifted from Cathy Zielske's mock up page here.
I was inspired by being back at Grandma's house last week...where she has binders and binders full, classified by years: with photos, mementos, letters and cards that they received, and things to save. Going back over decades. It's an incredible collection. I found things I'd made as a child, photos I'd sent, cards I'd made. Same for my other cousins and family. The most important part of those books? That she'd actually started the process! I knew I just needed to begin, and it would be easier to 'keep up', if there was something to 'work on' instead of 'start'. - Had some incredible downtime with Jonathan and Thomas this weekend. We slept in (a huge accomplishment for me), went to Mass, Costco, and lunch with Mom and Dad (and a few of the Brownrices!), walked in the fields, watched Band of Brothers, and spent time together. I made yummy baked oatmeal, chicken tortellini, and breakfast for the fam.
- Made headway on Relay projects - from the fundraising magazine to the Training Task Force guides to our Raffle For Relay from Finian Road (coming soon!). Hard to believe it's already mid-March...details to come soon!
- Sweet Finds. Speaking of Finian Road, I was reading through my "Mommy Blogs" (as titled in my Google Reader), and came across this post from Cool Mom Picks: Rick Rack is Back. Recognize the woman behind the company, Jane Edward? Also known as the mom, Holly, in December Sunshine shoot from December 2007!
- Lots to work on today. Nursing, baby laundry, tax stuff, nursing, photography, chill time with the Wee Ski, and a bit more nursing. He's sound asleep on his boppy on my lap right now. :)
- Hopeful that my side mirror in the Camry gets fixed today. Seriously, this has been a giant pain. I've said very little about it because of my commitment to give up complaining for Lent...so let's just leave it at this. Absent minded people who break other people's side mirrors with a cart in the Target parking lot SHOULD CALL THEIR INSURANCE COMPANY BACK so I (oops, I mean people) can get it fixed. We're down to it hanging on by wires...which is really helpful when trying to merge.
And that's my early Monday morning.
1 comment:
You are such an amazing mother being able to do that much with a two month old! Simply amazing!
I was still pulling my hair out and frazzled when Joseph was that age!
Quick question, how are you printing out your scrapbooks you are making? Especially the 12x12's. I have been doing some light digital scrapbooking, but don't know the best way to get them printed and bound (cheaply) =)
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