Thomas turned two months old last Sunday.
Though everyone reminds me, it's so hard to believe how quickly time is going by. The Wee Ski is not so wee anymore (well, at least compared to when he was born). The quote from St. Therese is so true...
"Love consumes us only in the measure of our self surrender."
Jonathan and I learn each day about the things in our life that we choose to surrender as we embrace being parents. Sometimes surrendering comes in the form of "giving up" -- things we did before that we don't have time for right now. Sometimes surrendering comes in the form of "offering it up" -- when we don't want to get up in the middle of the night for the fifth time, or change the 253rd diaper of the day, or chase down the muddy dogs as they run through the house while Thomas is nursing and the phone is ringing.
But each day, life gets a little easier as we surrender to our little one. He's too young to 'spoil' with attention right now...so we are loving each moment that we get to spend with him.
I started a new trend for this set of letters -- using the same format, but a different scrapping kit. I'll probably continue that through his first year - so the style remains the same, but the colors change each month. This month's kit? Baby Blue Patterns from Designer Digitals.
Also, I loved that we were spending Thomas's two month birthday with his great grandparents and grandma...so the photos in "The Story of Today" each have a special meaning:
- Top left
We didn't anticipate that Grandpa would make it to see Thomas outside the womb (given his experience in ICU last October, and that is on hospice now). The first photo on the left is him making his great grandson laugh. :) - Top right
With the sign that I picked up for Grandma and Grandpa back in January 2007, seen here. "Live a good life. And in the end, it's not the years in the life that count, it's the life in the years." - Bottom left
Four generations from Moorehead to Bottenfield to Mauss to Sprouffske. - Bottom middle
Thomas with his auntie Tiffany, and his cousin JJ. I love his smile in this shot. - Right middle
Thomas's hand wrapped around Grandma's thumb - Right bottom
Thomas, rolling in his car seat, on the way to the airport
(and as always, click on the pages to read the journaling)
so cool to see your pages! keep enjoying now...pretty soon he'll be turning 3, then 13, then graduating from college....goes way too quick!
Hi Shelley - I must say you have totally inspired me to get into this digital scrapbooking world and I am LOVING it. I figure it is good timing with our little one on the way soon...so I keep looking to you for inspiration! Thanks! :) Glad to see you guys are all doing so well!
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