The 12 of 12 is Chad Darnell's brainchild: 12 snapshots of your day. The rest of the 12 of 12'ers links can be found here on Chad's page.
Without further adieu...and without times because I am, well, just plain lazy now. It's been a long day. Mama Ski needs sleep.
Early morning giggles with the Wee Ski (nine weeks old today!)

Sunrise on the farm

The giant mound o'stuff in the living room. Can't believe I'm putting this on the web. But this is what my day looked like. I worked all day long to try and clear this out, but it never seemed to get done. Thomas's laundry basket, with clothes from the trip to Iowa. Blankets. Stuff for the trash. The Zappos box from the first two pairs of shoes that I've purchased in nearly a year. My feet are finally returning to normal, post-pregnancy! And they look especially cute in these.

Fruit. Yum. The oranges are from one of our clients who lives in the south, and sends us fresh oranges from his tree during the winter. They are heavenly.

Heart attack moment. I received Thomas's hospital bill, and they billed me before he was officially added to my insurance policy. So yes, the number that is listed says that we owe $23,831.95. After calling Blue Cross, the claims are being resubmitted. And then they started a new claim for nearly causing me to pass out.

Welcome to life away from malls. And being at home. They just bring things to you. :) I feel sorry for both drivers because we live so. far. out. there.

Car wash!

The Wee Ski in the car wash. This mirror is brilliant. I can always see how he is doing in the backseat.

This is quite possibly the most boring moment of the meeting that I was at because I pulled my camera out at the wrong time. Which is ironic...because it was the best Relay For Life Team Captain Meeting I have ever been to. In 8 years of meetings, many of which I led myself.
This is Dave, who used to be known as the Executive Director for the American Cancer Society, now known as the Team Development Chair for the Thurston Relay. You may also recognize him as a groomsman from our wedding. The brilliance behind this meeting. It was fun, emotional, personal, and motivating all rolled up into one meeting. He let people know when we went over time, and asked us if we wanted to leave then or stay later. No one moved from their seat -- and they were saying "this is important! We don't want to leave!" We had a mission moment (where he gave out $50 in Relay bucks for each person over 50 who had had their colon checked for cancer -- telling them they could 'swap stories' after the meeting -- which was hilarious), sharings from everyone, people wanting to know when the Paint the Town Purple Day was and nearly demanding it get onto the calendar, and a ton of proactive team-oriented ideas. Needless to say, I loved it. And Thomas did too, it was his first Team Captain Meeting.

Baby Thomas, with our fabulous ACS staff partner Janell. Don't let his innocent angel face fool you - he screamed the whole way home.

Oh, angel eyes. I forgive you for screaming the whole way home. Check out Viper in the back, waiting to pounce. Papa's arm is there to separate them.

And to finish off the night? Just before bed.
Mama said knock you out.

We're beat. Heading to bed now. :)
brilliant! ;-)
I still want to know what the phone call was about that was so great???
The sleeper that Thomas is wearing in his morning giggles photo is the same one that his BFF Daniel is wearing right now. Adorable.
Oh! He's just so darn cute! I love every single shot. And, that hospital bill makes me want to pee MY pants. I can't imagine getting that! Yikes.
Great entry! That is one cuuuuute baby.
Less cute, but also neat, was the inside car-wash picture. Heh.
Your baby is GORGEOUS!!! Aw.
Wee Ski's certainly a cutie!
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