Baby Ski's letter from his papa...sharing his best advice with his son.
Reading through his letter brings so many faces to mind as I read this passage...
You are being born into this world with a very large contingent of "adopted family". These family members come into your life from the fire department, the American Cancer Society, college, former neighbors and a variety of other relationships that your mother and I have made during our lifetimes.
These family members, although not related by blood, can teach you amazing things, and inspire you to do great things. They will be there to share memories of your parents, and they will be there to help you create many more memories.
They will encourage you when you need it, and probably even share quite a few funny stories about your parents that they shouldn't. These family members have been a huge blessing to your mother and I, and we feel so blessed to be able to share them with you.
Our wedding party - and all those involved in our wedding - is probably one of the best 'mixes' of people from our lives. A cross section of years of our lives and people who have changed them.
Doc and I are truly blessed by our 'adopted family' that surrounds us...and we definitely can't wait to introduce Baby Ski to them!
I love all three of you, and am honored to be your family.
I'm in tears. You are going to be such wonderful parents and I cannot wait to see you grow as a family!
Sending you lots of thoughts and hugs!
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