
Thursday, July 17, 2008

How new nicknames begin

How to tell when I've been crabby with Jonathan...

He emails me a handmade e-card, complete with a picture of myself that he's drawn. I'll ignore the fact that I have no arms.


Elizabeth Ann said...

That would make even the grouchiest most pregnant hormonal person smile!!!

Anonymous said...

That is dead sexier

Anonymous said...

I did not think "Grouchy Pants" was you, Shelley. I just thought it was a pair of angry jeans, perhaps. ; )

It's absolutely hilarious, tho. Jonathan is going to have to teach John to create such lovely things.

foxmulder said...

That's hot.

Jonathan said...

Thank you Kate for getting that it is an angry pair of jeans.

shelley said...

I suppose that should make me feel better...since the grouchy pants have an awful set of buck teeth.

Yee haw!

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