I left on Thursday for Reno, Nevada...via Spokane and Boise. Gotta love Southwest Airlines!! I'll admit the three-segment flight was worth it for a nonstop flight home on Sunday.
The Great West Leadership Summit is this September in Reno - to train 1500+ volunteers from 12 states...for the mission of the American Cancer Society: through the Cancer Resource Network, Advocacy, and of course, Relay For Life. :) I love seeing the overlap in all of the different areas of the Society. It helps bridge the link between the fundraising of the Relay and exactly where the money goes.
We headed to Reno to plan for the Summit. There were about 60 people there - heading up various committees. I'm on the Great West Division Training Task Force - which designs the training that the Relay volunteers receive at Summit, at regional Relay Universities, and local Team Captain Universities.
The task force is a blast. I've never seen a more diverse group of people - but it's 15 Relayers from across 12 states - some volunteers, some are staff. The youngest is 23-ish, the oldest would be mad if I said her age. :) But across the board, I have learned so much since joining the Task Force last year.
Last year, we redesigned the training for the Event Chairs and Team Development Chairs - and the results were fabulous. This year, we're looking at a major shift in the fundraising training (yea!!) and further development of the EC and TDC tracks. We're also refining the Relay U's...but that's for later.
The theme for the Summit plays off Relay@25 - and it is awesome. I can't wait to see how it develops!!
The whole weekend was exhausting - you are in meetings for a ton of hours each day, and really power through to get as much done as you can in person. But it was so fun to step onto the plane knowing how much we got done.
On Friday night, we road tripped over to the University of Nevada and checked out their event. Their luminaria ceremony was beautiful...really reminds you of how Relay is Relay...no matter where you are. It just killed me that this was the first weekend I didn't bring down a big camera for the weekend...so here's a few shots from my wee little point and shoot...
Some of the TTF learning the finer points of iGoogle and GoogleDocs...
(this is exactly how Debbie would look if she was there, too!)

With the super fabulous Michelle Patrick from Arizona. I swear, we are sisters from another mother. It was one of the first times we got to spend time together outside meetings, and I loved every minute. You know how sometimes you just need to talk and connect? This was one of those weekends...and I was so blessed!! A self-portrait from the stands at the Univ. of Nevada Relay...

My favorite Utahans, Jamie and Zach. This is the excited face Jamie makes when she gets a text from me. :) They are so much fun - I wish the distance was closer from Rainier to Utah!

And Season...when she and I skipped the mile-long 'check your bags' line, only to discover that she had a few things over 4 oz. I loved getting to know her as well - she does an incredible job on the TTF, as well as back at home in Tacoma.

Season caught this gas sign as we were heading over to the Relay... :)

The Relay's theme was superheroes...why didn't I have my Incredi-bulls shirt on?!? These are their superhero renditions. Season, Michelle, LaMarco and Liz are accompanied by Heather and her crew from the Relay For Life of Reno/Sparks. How can you not love LaMarco's face?

You know the comment above about the different areas of the Society affecting one another? Check out one of the first guidebooks ever for the Cancer Resource Network. Note that this is NOT a Relay guidebook.
And yes, the ugly mug on the right is yours truly, in a self-portrait. I was looking at the guidebook from afar when Linda was presenting it...and swore that it looked like me. The response I heard? "Shelley, not everything revolves around you!" Ha!! Truer words have never been spoken!
What's funny is that I can't really figure out how they got this photo (unless it was from a disc I burned as a favor) - especially since it's a self-portrait, and it's not what you would call a "really cute" photo of me. Maybe that's why it was picked!! I definitely did NOT submit it for any consideration!! :) Ahh, to keep me humble.

Regardless, it was from the Relay For Life of Kent in 2006. I found the original in my e-files on my external hard drive.
I suppose without the cropping, it might have looked like a photo for an alternative-style Relay! :)

So, I just got an email from you this morning with a link to your blog at the bottom saying "Check it out, you could be featured!" - and what do you know...there's a picture of me on your Reno recap post! Funny!!! And I still LOVE the ARM/LEG sign, which you seriously have to send in to Jay Leno. :-)
You're inspiring me to have to actually blog myself you know. I've been avoiding all that "Social Networking" stuff, but I think it's time to jump in, especially with the new baby coming. I'll keep you posted!
I LOVE the photo on the guidebook - is that FOR REAL or did you superimpose photoshop it in and then make up the whole story????? Do tell. You are such a joker. : )
It is that big white toothy grin that gets them everytime!
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