
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

kia orana!

we arrived safely on the island early monday morning, and have loved the first few days of the honeymoon.

lots of sleep, sunshine, tropical rain, fresh fish, and even fresh mangoes growing in our villa by the pool! with jonathan's motorcycle endorsement (from the u.s.), he bypassed the driver's exam that's normally required and they upgraded us from a scooter to a new zealand motorcycle. he's loving it, and has the sunburn to prove it!

went to mass yesterday at st. paul's in titikaveka - where half the mass was in english and half in maori. we were greeted with happy new year and hugs and kisses!

off to the pool and lunch that jonathan just brought back...yea!!


Anonymous said...

Shelley Sprouffske -- What's this? A *new* blog post? I thought you said no laptops! I do LOVE, however, that you are blogging. Enjoy the bliss of your honeymoon. As always, you and Jonathan are in my thoughts and prayers. Happy New Year!

foxmulder said...

Nothing electronic, eh? Some things never change...

Randy and Diane said...

I can't even adequately express how happy I am for you guys. I am so very sorry that we couldn't be at the wedding. I did watch your slide show here on the blog and it was amazing. It made me teary-eyed. You two are meant to be together! Maggie couldn't have found a better family! =) Have a wonderful and safe honeymoon!

Anonymous said...

Is it bad that I keep checking this just to be sure that you haven't posted any new entries and are actually taking a vacation??? :) Have fun you two!- Lindsay

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