last night, the baby gate became obsolete.
used mainly to keep the dogs out of an area of my house when i'm working on a project...sandy, liz and i learned tonight that viper can scale the gate. she makes a giant leap up to the top of the gate (see below) and then 'climbs herself over the gate'.
and then she's free.
little bugger.

See my dog respects boundaries. :D
Actually Paige was the one who first noticed Viper escaping.
Maggie also tried to scale the gate after she observed Viper, but was unsuccessful. I don't think she realizes that all she would have to do is LEAN on the gate and it would come crashing down. :)
No, she fully realizes it. She's just not a one-dog wrecking crew.
oh yes, she's not a gate wrecking crew, but she is a flower wrecking crew. i have the holes in the backyard to prove it!
she is also a poop leaving wrecking crew.............. eewww
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