thankfully, there were some super fabulous peeps in the wedding party who were armed with scissors and punchers and were ready to pitch in. so, so grateful!
for the favors, i wanted something that was from us, from our heart, and could be something that people could save. lindsay was immediately sold on chocolates and cabernet (our wedding colors) for everyone...but she's not paying the bills! :)
as a result, i designed a cool little foldover card (the size of a business card when folded) that opens up to a note from jonathan and me (even signed by us!). on the back, our new contact info (his old, my new info) for the house in rainier is listed. on the cover is a set of holes punched above jonathan's shoulder. a blessed medal of the holy family is then ribboned to the card (with chocolate colored ribbon). the folded card will sit at each place setting at the reception.

the front cover of the card...i would show you the inside, but then there would be no surprise at the wedding! :)

lindsay and stella in their masks (read here for stella's nutty reasoning for these masks and how she motivates me to do what she wants. it should be noted that lindsay burned her finger on a hot glue gun to help her in this. for the love.)

check out kristine...highlighting my baby niece or nephew under the shirt...

sandy, as she's organizing the finished pieces...

stella, again with her mask. i think she might have scared paige a bit. she scared me.

liz...who is a super organizer and project manager. when she helped guide lindsay on what to do, lindsay's (typical) response was: "i like to be able to do what i want, so don't tell me what to do!"
i loved having all these gals together on this project. they were all themselves...and i love that. that's why i love them.

and finally, lindsay "you're not the boss of me" milasich, featuring a nearly finished favor...
thank you, ladies, for putting in the time to get these bad boys done! :) i appreciate it (and you) so much!
and while we're at it...the invites were ordered last i'm thinking invitation party...end of september? :)
let me know if you need an extra set of hands :) the favors look beautiful!
Nutty reasoning? Someday when I rule the world, you will all understand.
Very cool. Very time-consuming. You frighten me sometimes with your creativity and determination. And I was with a Milasich, too, this weekend. (Actually there were several Milasiches on hand for the Freitas-Royer nuptials in PDX.) Hope you're feeling better!
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