over the last week, my firm has been upgrading the firewalls to block things like ebay, online dating services, message boards and forums, and things like blogger - so you can't blog at work. understandable. things used by lots of people to avoid work on company time.
but today, i found that there was a new blocked site...our wedding website!
check out the reason below in red (this is a screen shot, emailed to my house and blogged from home, thank you very much!)...
the irony simply overwhelms me. stephen colbert, where are you?

So I just checked the site and am not seeing that firewalled word "sex" anywhere. Not even in any Karol quotes. Curious... Lindsay
Stephen Colbert is cute.
They left off the Y for the reason, because I am dead sexY!!!
UmmHummm! I haven't checked out your wedding site in awhile. Guess I had better do that right a way... Hey Rich.....
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