earlier this year, i was appointed to the great west division training task force - to be part of a team of a dozen peeps who design the training for all of the relays in the western 12 states. it's an entirely new challenge - instead of working with 140 teams and 3000 relayers, it's covering 20,000+ teams in 400+ relays...with more than 117,000 relayers.
it's been incredibly difficult to commit well to both - since they both take significant time. it's with a bittersweet feeling that i finish my time in tacoma, as it's where i've relayed for six years and been involved in the planning process since the day i started. but new challenges await - and i've been so looking forward to focusing on the task force.
in may, we all met in reno to plan the division's leadership summit - which will take place in reno next month. we redesigned all of the breakouts and workshop trainings to fit two tracks - one is training for event chairs, and one is training for team development chairs. i helped head up the event chair track - and i loved working with this team. great ideas from every side of relay - and it's coming together to create an incredible event in september.
the task force is also unveiling a new resource for event chairs at the summit which we designed in april - called the event chair toolkit. it's like a 'wow, i wish i had had this when i was chairing' guide. they will love it.
one of the great things about this summit is that they invited a new group to participate in the summit - team captains who raised over $20,000 and individuals who raised over $10,000. as i will be presenting during that workshop to the event chairs - debbie will be taking both our reins in that top fundraisers workshop. i cannot wait for her to see it...it will be a fabulous end to our fundraising year.
enough about the future...here's the current results.
it should be said...i love numbers. i am a data geek. and as brian would say, a multimedia geek to boot. as webmaster and online guru for the tacoma relay for life...we are currently the #1 relay in online fundraising for the division:
- Relay For Life of Tacoma: $198,583.89
- Relay For Life of UW: $175,295.72
- Relay For Life of Arizona State: $104,864.00
- Relay For Life of Issaquah: $96,445.00
- Relay For Life of Shoreline: $77,161.16
comparatively to last year, tacoma raised $88,257.86 online - and i am loving the 124% increase year over year. it's a good way to gracefully step aside for the next peep to take over. :)
our team had a fantastic showing overall...at the wrap up a few weeks back, team merrill lynch received:
- top corporate team - first place
- top per capita team - first place a new award for tacoma, meaning that our average fundraising per team member was highest of all teams - $3333+. this should also qualify us for...
- top nationwide team - not yet awarded
- top online team - second place
- top fundraising individuals - first and second place (debbie was #1 at $18,398.00, i was #2 at $12,000.01)
- top online fundraising individuals - second place (yours truly)
- top youth fundraiser - second place (kaitlyn "mini k" lewis - our fabulous freshman in high school who is on our team)
one of the best things about our team is that we truly are a team. from the marino family to everyone from our office who donated through their feet or their finances...it's an example of the "sum being greater than the parts".
it should be noted that jonathan's team, team gordon thomas honeywell governmental affairs, received second place for the top rookie team...as a first year team. :)
that makes my heart happy.
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