today's the first day of the july bar exam in the state of washington. jonathan is checking into the exam at 6:15 this morning, after a full night's studying up at the hotel in bellevue.
the culmination of three years of law school and eight weeks of hardcore studying. no pressure. :)
i'm confident he's prepared well for it - just praying for grace in the questions that are asked, and the wisdom to give them the answers they're looking for. :) this is the breakdown of the exam. it's 2 1/4 days long, and finishes on thursday morning.
i sent him up with a little survival kit - which he was allowed to open once he arrived at the hotel.
the contents?
a few of his favorite things...and some of mine too. :)
sweet maui onion chips, cherry coke zero, jelly bellys, wheat thins, homemade m&m cookies, junior mints, a fruit and nut mix from starbucks, a happy camper crunch krispette, eclipse mints, a card, and of course...a 'save the date' for our wedding...which reminds him that there's life after these 3 days. :)

if you wouldn't mind...would you offer up a quick prayer today for him as he begins the exam? adding in a little intercession to st. thomas more wouldn't hurt either! :)
muchas gracias!
Jonathan - You will be in my prayers more than normal (since you and Shelley always are as you prepare for marriage) over the next few days as you take the Bar, I am confident you will do AMAZING...just remember to BREATHE and know that even people you hardly know love you!
Love, Kat
Ooh, I hear the word exam, test and anything similar, and hives start to appear! Good Luck Jonathan. I hope to meet you someday!
Prayers are being sent your way the next few days, and to Shelley as well...I'm sure she's freakin' out! :)
The bar exam? Does Jonathan want to be a bartender? I'm confused.
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