
Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Life offers two great gifts:
time, and the ability to choose how we spend it.
Planning is a process of choosing among those many options.
If we do not choose to plan,
then we choose to have others plan for us.
-Richard I. Winword

ali's post on schedules yesterday couldn't have come at a better time. i had cancelled everything i had scheduled for monday night and tuesday night to work on projects, and i was pretty frustrated. now when i made a fresca myasca and spilled it on my dell wireless keyboard, i'm sure everyone in the neighborhood heard just how happy i was. :)

the month of may promises little downtime...which for a type-a multitasker...can be a blessing or a curse. this is what the month ahead looks like to me:

  • leaving tomorrow for reno for four days - for the relay for life training task force - planning this fall's divisional leadership summit for 1500+ peeps
  • jonathan's graduation from law school and bbq
  • hopefully raising $40k between now and june 1 for our relay team
  • three days up at semiahmoo for work
  • my 30th birthday shindig
  • and all the normal office and photography goodies...

these are all things i love to do. ideally, i'd love to not do them at the same time. :)

reading through ali's post reminded me that i need to really plan this month ahead. to quit saying yes to things i shouldn't. to not feel guilty when i say no. to find balance among everything that's important to me.

to quit saying yes when i shouldn't.

to not feel guilty.

to find balance.

so that's my goal for this accomplish everything on the list without losing the 'quality of life' that i desire.

i'll check back a month from now...just as relay is finishing. please keep me in your prayers!

(and we may need to call in st. jude on this one!!)


Anonymous said...

Oh, Shelley, I so know this feeling. It takes a lot of prayer every day. A busy schedule, a busy life, the feeling that I need to be doing a million things at once and sometimes feeling like I don't want to do any of them -- that is what I struggle with most. Keep praying. It helps ...

shelley said...

you are so couldn't have summed it up better! i'll take your advice especially this weekend when i'm in nevada...

thanks, red head! ♥

Anonymous said...

but don't forget your circle journals :)

take care

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