
Monday, August 7, 2006

oh, to toss and turn

because my internal clock is all jacked up. i'm wide awake and am supposed to be getting up in exactly four hours.

to celebrate the lame circumstances, i am doing my first ever survey on the web. i know, it's getting pretty cold in hell if i am doing one of these. almost ready to freeze!

since i was tagged by andrea, i'll start with her questions and add a few of my own. :)

five items in my fridge

  • black cherry fresca
  • avocados
  • sharp cheddar cheese
  • passionfruit iced tea from cheesecake factory (thanks to stella)
  • homemade raspberry vinagrette

five items in the closet

  • three fabulous energy jackets from lucy
  • four bridesmaid dresses
  • a new pair of my favoritest kerala pants
  • a pile of clothes waiting to be hung up
  • an ungodly amount of flip flops

five items in my car

  • hodgepodge lip liner from mac
  • prrr lipglass from mac
  • mints
  • a jpii sticker on the dashboard and a b16 holy card on the visor (every bmw needs one)
  • the adapter so ipy the ipod can sing through the sound system

five items in the dooney

  • hodgepodge lip liner from mac
  • prrr lipglass from mac (evidently, i'm consistent)
  • my blackberry
  • my costco and ymca id cards - don't leave home without them!
  • my checkbook

five things i do not like doing

  • changing lightbulbs
  • getting dirty
  • putting away clothes
  • taking the sunglasses off my head
  • cleaning up after other people

five places i've been this year

  • canada
  • arizona
  • michigan
  • oregon
  • the lucy store in portland

five places i am scheduled to visit before the end of the year

  • washington dc
  • reno, nevada
  • oktoberfest at mt. angel
  • the cabin in eastern washington
  • maui

five things i want to do before the end of the year

  • pick up a canon 30d
  • get my routines at the house, gym, adoration chapel, and office back in order
  • meet our goals at the office
  • launch my photography website
  • de-clutter my home and paint the outside

and now, i'm going to head back to bed to try to sleep. sweet dreams!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oktoberfest in Mount Angel is one of the freakin' greatest things on this planet. I might not enjoy it as much at 31 as I did at 20 or 21, but, man, what a blast. That's a good thing to be looking forward to!

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