about a week ago, i was pondering just how unprepared i was to swim a quarter mile, bike 12 miles, and run 3 miles. little did i know...liz wasn't letting me off the hook for the race.
so wednesday evening, we packed up our gear for the race, and stuff for the rest of the weekend in ellensburg, and headed east to chelan. in the process, we learned several valuable lessons including "how not to tie down your bikes to the rack and then head 'off roading' off curbs in seattle because then they will fall off the blazer", indulged in proper fuel the night before the tri, and shared our incredible singing voices with everyone on i-90 with our custom Super Fabulous Triathlon Road Trip CD. we got tagged on wednesday night with our race numbers and picked up our numbers for our jerseys and bikes.
now, about the race...
the organizer, brent kamenka, is a tool. he did not have the proper permits for the race on thursday. as such, the mayor was down at the event letting everyone know that it wasn't happening that day. we had the option of delaying our race until saturday (and miss floating the river with the estrogen militia? please!) or getting a refund. a little annoyed with this brent chump, we were interviewed by the lake chelan mirror to be published next wednesday. :)
anyway, not going letting the opportunity pass...we joined with the other stranded triathletes to race anyway. at precisely 9:02 a.m., we headed into lake chelan for the first leg of the triathlon. ran out of lake chelan (see liz rising triumphantly) and headed into the bike leg.
on the bike, i learned the valuable lesson of looking for the markers. because i didn't see the monument marking the turnaround point, i headed a good extra half-mile and up a hill before i realized i've overshot the monument. how happy was i?!? so my twelve miles on the bike was closer to 13. :) it was so much fun - everyone was cheering you on as you reached mile markers and those on their way back to the transition zones...like a little triathlon family.
on the final leg, liz's three miles resembled more of a run - mine more of a "butt shake" as coined by my brother. either way, we both finished the race as triathletes with medals and all! how cute are we?
(note: photo taken before the race, when we still looked cute!)

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