i'll admit that sometimes i may over-schedule myself.
and i'll admit that this month is a wee bit crazy, even for me. over the next 18 days, i'll spend two days in bellingham, two days in portland, three days in michigan, three days hosting the canadian cancer society gals (two of which will be at our relay for life in tacoma), finishing the event program, continuing to train for the triathlon in mid-july, and helping to prepare our team for the relay on the 23rd and 24th.
the fourth of july weekend feels like it is forever and a day away.
with that in mind, i share my monday happies.
- finishing proofing the photos of lacey's fam to share with her tomorrow. i love the shot above. it just makes me happy. they are laughing at each other, and enjoying just being. i love that.
- dinner with two babbitts + one lewis. throw in some pita pizzas from spiros, and you've got a fabulous combo.
- the 'rents comes home tomorrow! my padre and my madre have been on the east coast since the 3rd, and i am starting to run out of energy. can't wait to see them tomorrow.
- sir timmy of monaco fixing the dishwasher after the freak burning issue. i swear, the rent-a-hubby program kris has got going on just rocks. i appreciate his help so much.
- finished designing the sweet tote that i'm giving to the canadians when they come for our event. it will be filled with tacoma-y goodness.
- passing $4,000 personally raised for my relay team. i'm still heading toward my goal of $5,000 - so if you feel so inclined...
- heading to bed tonight before 11. trying on making this a habit, not just a weekly event. :)
that said...good night all! ♥
Your life sounds so much like mine, but your words make yours sound so much better. Don't get burned out!
good luck! sounds like your triathlon will be a cake walk compared to all the other things you've got going on. Make sure you take moments to breathe!
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