lots of happies today...
- chance meetings at mass today: my neighbor olga from years ago - whose quotable was, "oh shelley! it is so good to see you with clothes on!" i was quite a little chick in those days...as a five-year-old, shedding my clothes and running through the neighborhood...
- while talking to olga, seeing someone peering over her shoulder...a little creepy, until i recognized the sheepish little grin. mama and fort g! we both happened to be at that Mass, planning to go to other Masses, and we found ourselves on the bench in front of st. charles for an hour. couldn't think of a better way to spend an hour.
- tears, laughter, joy, and mama g's hot new 'do...her hair is coming back in after chemo in all kinds of colors, something that michael g and i laughed about - women pay big money for those shades in color!
- dani and michael g pulling off one of the biggest surprises of my life. brought me to tears. can't explain it yet, but had me sobbing when i figured it out.
- heading out to the harbor with mom and dad, and capturing a photo of the three of us with the dogs...they are squirmy little worms.
- viper sleeping soundly on the bed, after several hours of gina chasing her around.
- sending a prayer petition for mama g over to the grotto at lourdes. isn't the internet fabulous?
- finishing up my projects and heading to holy cross for some long overdue adoration.
- heading to portland tomorrow. can't wait to see andrea and matt and lisa...
happy father's day! ♥
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