sometimes, you need a lesson in the words of a seven-year-old.
a little while back, my little cousin put together the coolest little book on the stations of the cross. each station had a little prayer and a drawing that brandon did by himself.
the cover reads in his handwriting:
praise to you lord jesus crist
and your hevenly father
and your hevenly father
i didn't make it past the first station (of fourteen) before there were tears in my eyes. he drew jesus (who must be nearly seven feet tall). his condemnor is saying, "he has to go". in brandon's handwriting, it says:
Station 1:
Jesus is sentenced to die
Jesus is sentenced to die
Dear Jesus,
Help me to accept
whatever God wants in my life.
Help me to accept
whatever God wants in my life.
wouldn't we all be better off...if we could accept things more readily?
god knows i would.
good stuff.
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