The whole fam is a bunch of early risers...we laugh because at 3 and 5 a.m. (5 and 7 a.m. at home), there is at least one, if not two or three of us, that's up.
The sunrise this morning was visible like this for just a few moments before the pinks disappeared into the early morning blue/gray sky.
Good thing I was up. :)
I have loved the time here. Yesterday, I finished my Christmas planning and Christmas lists for everyone (no, not the list of stuff I want!) but what everyone else is getting...and I love having it all planned. I know, I am a nerd.
I finished Mother Angelica's book yesterday. She is spunky. So spunky. The only nun I've ever known to say about a bishop, "...he can go put his head in the back toilet as far as I'm concerned." I love her because she says what she means, and means what she says. And what she says is tempered with a lot of love

Something that jumped out to me in the book was near the end, with a quote from the gospel of Mark. "You must come away to some lonely place and rest awhile." It spoke to her life following her stroke and brain hemorrhage. She spent time with the sacraments and in prayer, and it's the best prescription to recover from all things traumatic.
While my own few weeks before leaving for Maui weren't quite as traumatic :) as what Angelica went through, it was enough to force me to take some time for myself here on the island...getting to daily Mass, chilling with the family, and praying over a few things that have been on my heart. And God bless the sunshine. I love it.
And I've had the best time with Mike, even in the midst of sharing a room with our weird sleeping patterns and my million bottles of Sephora goodies...just wait until I post our sweet photos from the beach. We are funny. :)
Quote from Sunday...
We see former Mariner Dave Henderson at the Rusty Harpoon on Sunday morning, during all the football games. (One might think he's following me, since he was also on my flight home from Phoenix two weeks ago. But that's besides the point.) So Dad, Mike and I are talking baseball, Dave Henderson, and the Mariners. Mom jumps in...
"But when did he play football for the Lutes?"
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