And since my memory sucks right now, I am loving looking back on these weeks...especially since it reminds me how far we've come as a five-some with three kids that are four and under. :)
I am also totally loving saving photos of Thomas and his art projects from preschool...with his proud smile and date of when he did it. He's starting to write the letters in his name, and I LOVE seeing them. Will be saving the current version in week 8.
A very full two weeks, finishing with the Mega Event Experience in Seattle. It is the only training that was on the books for 2013 for the Relay For the "transformation" of the Society is changing things up pretty dramatically. We truly had the "who's who" present: Pat Flynn, Dr. Gordy Klatt (the founder of Relay), Jeff Ross, Adam Schwartz, Marty Coehlo, and the CEO of the American Cancer Society, Dr. John Seffrin. You will notice that the Wee Ski 3.0 and I did get a self-portrait with him...figuring it was the one time that was possible! He also mentioned us in his keynote on Saturday evening, a sweet moment that brought tears to my eyes and made me snuggle my little boy that much tighter.
Enough words. Check out the pages below!

Digital templates | AC Digitals
Digital kit | Bridgeport Edition Childhood Mini Kit
Font | PMN Caecilia & Slapjack
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