"Papa, BearBear, Mag-dy and Jesus. And Mommy and John Paul and hot dogs and hungry people."
"Where's Maggie, buddy?"
"She's with Jesus. Her owie's all better. I found her doggy bones on the deck. I like bones. Can I eat them?"
Yesterday, just before Mass, when I was a little overwhelmed after trying to get Thomas in the car and he was looking for Maggie. We had just gotten to the church parking lot and I was getting out of the car. One of the sweet older gentlemen who attends daily Mass with us stopped me and gave me a crisp bill:
"Do you ever take the boys out for a treat? I know it takes a lot of effort to get them here every day. And sometimes you just need to take time for a special treat because it's not easy with little ones. You can go out for breakfast or something!"
All I could do was cry. And finally, it wasn't ugly crying. It was just a comforted cry.
This morning, Thomas ran out to the living room, yelling.
"Mommy! Mommy! Look! It's Maggie!"
He was holding my iPad and on the screen was this photo:

And I said, "Sweetie? Who is in the photo?"
"That's Maggie, Mommy! She is running again!"
"Who is with her?"
"That's a bunny, Mommy! Isn't it cute? It's a little bunny!"
Oh, Viper, you're now a bunny.
I'm sorry, pup.
Jonathan said later, "Does that mean John Paul will look at this photo in a few years and think it's a polar bear running with the little bunny?"
Oh my heart. This made me cry for the loss of yet another angel with fur. But I have to admit the tears were met with laughter when he called Viper a bunny.
Gratefull for sharing this
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