The last eight weeks have had very little 'calm downtime'. In the past week alone, not only did I meet my birthmother in person, but my mom has spent the last two days in the hospital.
Mom is on the mend from a complete obstruction in her small intestine which had her in Urgent Care, then the ER, then finally the hospital all within 24 hours. The docs removed the stomach tube today after a much improved x-ray. We're hoping for an uneventful evening where her body begins working on its own again, and that she might be discharged tomorrow. The boys and I had a few short minutes with her this afternoon before heading back across the bridge. Very grateful to see her in good spirits.
It's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster over the past 8 weeks...and this Ski is eagerly anticipating the 24 hours at the Relay For Life, where we get to celebrate, remember and fight back against cancer from the track. As crazy as Relays usually are, I am so excited to spend 24+ hours with my husband and boys, and the amazing peeps from his office, who make up Connolly's Crew. Being able to walk the track, snuggle with the Wee Skis, and spend time with people that I adore.
And after this weekend, I'll finally pull together a post about meeting my birth fam -- a gift from my husband and an afternoon that I'll never forget. I promise. And there's even photos. :)
Can't wait to read/see about meeting your birth mom! :)
Hugs to all of you this weekend and that your mama continues to get better!
~ Kathy
Hi Shelley,
I know your mom and just happened to stumbled upon your blog. Karol often raved about how much fun it is to be a grandmother. It is very fun to see the photos you've taken of her with her beloved grandkids. You are a very gifted photographer! I love the way you seem to capture people smiling from the inside out.
I am sorry to hear that your mom has been in the hospital. Please tell her she is in my prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.
God Bless,
Lorrie Wood
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