Seven snippets of life right now, in no particular order.
- The Wee Ski 2.0 and I have been battling an awful cold the past few days.
It explains why we were so exhausted on Sunday and why I hardly got out of bed for the past few days. Jonathan and the Wee Ski 1.0 have it to a lesser extent, so we are definitely an amusing, whiny bunch when we are all together. I will say though, that Thomas is going to make an incredible husband some day...as I literally laid on the couch the entire day today and he brought me Gatorade, crackers, and let himself outside to play in the yard when he had had enough 'vegging out'. There is seriously NOTHING BETTER than him sitting down to you, handing you a cracker, and whispering, "Mommy? Here." Then he snuggles up to you. - Viruses are lame when you are pregnant.
There's nothing I can take, no magical antibiotics to make me feel better (pregnant or not, dumb virus), and I just have to do nothing. I honestly don't think I have "done nothing" since 2.0 was conceived. But when I realized that I was tired enough to not even care, I knew I was in the right spot. With four blankets, hot tea, tasty low-point baked potato soup, no blackberry and no laptop. Just Adam Sandler on Sesame Street and the Wee Ski cheering for Elmo. - Speaking of baked potatoes...
We had our Blarney Blast this weekend. SO MUCH FUN. An awesomely fun event held at the Worthington Center (upgraded from the Grange -- yea!!). A baked potato bar, drinks, a silent auction, and a celebration honoring Jim Connolly, as we presented a special award to his family from our team. And we raised just shy of $16,500! That should move us up a few fundraising club levels! So proud of our team, and all of "Connolly's Crew". - Loved how my extended Relay family helped out.
We received 2 Longaberger baskets from Ann Wheet (on the Nationwide Leadership Training Team with me, she Relays in Illinois), an awesome Washington-themed Letty's bag from Kathy Cina (who Relays in Beaverton, OR), a giant tank of helium + balloons from Stephanie Miller (who Relays in Tacoma) and our award was engraved with help from Patty at Tags Trophies (who Relays in East Grays Harbor County). Relayers are an incredibly giving bunch, and I am so grateful! - You know what? I don't have any blogging left in me. So it's now just four-ish snippets of life right now. :)
1 comment:
$16,500--FANtastic!!!! :)
Hope you feel better..can't believe Ver 2.0 will be here in less than 40 days!!!
Thomas rocks!!!
~ Kathy
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