Seven snippets of life right now, in no particular order.
I love that my husband sends me Blackberry photos like the one above.
After Mass, we normally run to Safeway. The boys listen to football on the radio in the car, and I finish shopping infinitely faster without the Wee Ski in tow. And the Wee Ski was a grump after he finished all the snacks in the car...until Papa pulled out the Blackberry cam. The title of the text? "FEED ME!"
Went to a great kickoff on Friday night for our Relay.
Hard to believe it's already Relay season again...but I love that I've been planning ahead. I pulled up iTunes and had completely forgotten that I'd already started my 2011 Relay tunes mix. I love how Type A I am sometimes. Excited for our first CTM team captain meeting tomorrow!
Love catching up with girlfriends.
Debbie came down to the farm on Friday for lunch. We literally talked nonstop for about 5 hours. Relay, family, friends, life, farms, cattle, agriculture property taxes vs open range property taxes (Lord knows I never thought I would be able to discuss that topic intelligently EVER), digital photos and Facebook. We could have talked for another 5 hours. It was so good for my heart and mind to spend time with her!
Introducing a new image workflow for Finian Road.
With an awesome double Signature shoot morning on Saturday -- beautiful weather, incredible color with shooting and a few tweaks, and loving the new process. Sneak peeks should be up in the next day or so! The end of the year brought significant business plan updates thanks to my recently-formed advisory board. Best business decision I've made in a long time! More to come...
Loving life lived impromptu.
A very low key weekend which filled up with awesome surprises.
:: FRIDAY ::
After the kickoff on Friday, we met up with Dave and Kristi for dinner together. It had been so long since we had all been in the same place at the same time...and they got to see the delight that is "Thomas Two Hours Past His Bedtime". Delight may be the wrong word. But either way, he loves them both and loved sneaking under the table to climb up and hang with them. And I love that he kept going to Kristi to be picked up. :)
Stella had been judging a gymnastics meet in Lacey, so she stopped by the farm after my shoots. We had some hilarious moments (how in the world did I miss the The Rent Is Too Damn High Party? But you know what? Stella had never heard of the Pants on the Ground guy. So we're even.)
:: SUNDAY ::
Heidi and Kevin came over for the Steelers/Jets game. Heidi made an awesome white bean soup and brought over bread that we toasted with the Black Angus Cheesy Garlic Bread recipe. Uncle Kevin got his first taste of putting Thomas to bed when Thomas didn't feel like going to bed. It was awesome. Auntie Heidi and I were the meanies that were going to let him cry it out...and Kevin was calling us "Stalin" as he went back to get him out of bed and to save him from crying. And of course, Thomas DEFINITELY didn't want to go to bed even a half hour later. We are so lucky to have them across the field to spend time with!
Finished the very best book I have read in a long, long time.
It deserves it's own blog post. A beautiful read that I could not put down (finished in 36 hours with two marathon evenings.) And I am excited to be able to lend it to someone through my Kindle so they can read it too.
I am addicted to this song right now.
I LOVE hearing Matt Maher on Spirit 1053, since we've been listening to him for years. I love that he's finally hitting it big time in the Christian music's a sweet video for you to enjoy:
1 comment:
So good seeing you guys yesterday! And the book...the best book you ever read...what's the name of it????
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