On Monday night, Mom and Grandma came down to the farm. The last time Grandma had visited Washington state, I had just bought my first house at 23 as a newly single gal. Ten years ago. Gone is the little house in the north end of Tacoma. Now life revolves around the farm, with a husband, a child, and another on the way. Slightly different!
We are so lucky in that both Jonathan and I have family back in Iowa...so when we go to visit one side, we have been able to visit both. His family even surprised me at Grandpa's funeral earlier this year.
You better believe I married into an awesome family.
And Jonathan would say the same, especially about my grandma.
We had the chance to fly back to Iowa before we got married, knowing that Grandma and Grandpa wouldn't be able to attend our wedding. Jonathan and Grandpa would stay up late playing cribbage, and we would all play cards together while they got to know him. Jonathan was the first person to say "stay as long as you need" when I was back in the midwest (for Relay) and Grandpa ended up in Intensive Care.
And I loved it when he started getting phone calls and voicemails from them - just for him. Though they had only met face-to-face a few times, he was part of the family when he married me. And they treated him just like that.
So it's been a blessing to have Grandma out to Washington for the first time in 10 years. We've celebrated Christmas, had her down to the farm and celebrated Thomas's birthday, will celebrate New Year's tomorrow, and Mom's birthday early next week. The perfect time for her to be here.
We had a simple dinner on Monday, with turkey & vegetable soup. I found a recipe to knock off her favorite cheddar biscuits from Red Lobster, so I made those as well. We finished off with pineapple upside down cake for Jonathan.
We gabbed all afternoon, played with the Wee Ski, had dinner, and curled up with the movie "Calendar Girls". Jonathan watched the movie on TV with his laptop on his lap, watching Monday Night Football at the same time. Of course.
Thomas thought it was Christmas morning all over again when he woke up to find Jonathan, Grandma and Great Grandma at the house. He heard Mom's voice and literally started screaming and jumping up and down.
After Jonathan left for work, we had toasted steel cut oatmeal with roasted pears, and eggs & bacon. I loved being able to cook for Grandma, because I have so many fond memories of the reverse when I was little and visiting in Iowa!
We headed out for a short walk in the fields (AKA the Enchanted Christmas Forest) afterwards to show Grandma the farm. And these photos are all pre-Thomas-jumping-in-the-mud-puddles. A few pics I loved...

Getting ready to head out.

Showing off his puddle skills. This should have been a warning to me. I love that I actually have enough pairs of rubber boots to outfit guests now. WHO AM I?!?
And finally, one of my favorites of Mom and Thomas...for several reasons. Thomas is becoming very independent - wanting to do things on his own. But when he is done, he "wants up" and wants to be carried.
And I think back to a year ago, and I never imagined that Mom would ever again be able to pick up a 28 pound little boy and carry him across the fields. Holding him for a quick photo was all she could handle.
But she can.
We have been very blessed.

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