
Monday, November 1, 2010

Quick Takes: The Seriously Sick of Being Sick Edition

Seven snippets of life right now: too long for Facebook, too short for a full blog post.
  1. I am on week 6 of this cold.
    And I am sick of being sick.  I am also turning into a very snarly patient, as my incredibly sweet husband would attest.  He did go to Safeway for us today, and ran a bunch of errands.  He's been a superstar with Thomas so I could rest and sleep as much as possible this weekend.  I'm pretty sure a doctor visit is ahead for me to get rid of this cold once and for all.  Right now, an incredibly long list of things to do is running through my head, and they aren't accomplishing themselves.  I AM NOT GOOD AT BEING SICK.  Please say a prayer that we get through this quickly.  I'm canceling everything we have this week so we can get better, and praying that Thomas doesn't get sick AGAIN. 
  2. We had dinner at the Q's last night.
    It was just the right kind of medicine.  I hadn't been out of the house in several days, and it was so good to curl up on the couch and catch up with Kate and Sandra, and give Thomas some space to play with his BFF, Daniel.  Brent made an incredible southern chicken dish, and Kate brought her sinful brownies.  Angus loved them.  And so did I.  One of the funniest arrival moments?  When we got there, there was a mini parade down the street in front of the Q's house, complete with a 'marching band' of sorts in full costume.  And what were they playing?  Sexyback.  Because every marching band knows that song. 
  3. Thomas had an awesome time with his BFF and the Q's.  
    After playing, they were conked out.  Curled up on the chair together.
    Thomas loves his Uncle Boo.
    Daniel, cheesing for the camera.  And one of my favorite even-though-its-blurry photos, of the boys hugging each other while Daniel is stuffing his thumb in Thomas's mouth.  Awesome. 
  4. My pregnancy cravings prayers were answered.
    A few weeks ago, I told Jonathan that all I wanted to eat was a pretzel from Pretzelmaker.  They had one in Lloyd Center, where I worked for 4 years throughout college.  He asked me where the nearest one was...and I was dead serious when I said "Portland", and asked him if we could take a quick trip.  He rolled his eyes.  And literally TWO DAYS LATER, when Thomas and I were walking through the Tacoma Mall for the first time in a very long time, the Pretzel Time had become Pretzelmaker.  And their pretzels had improved dramatically, because now they were the soft pretzel style from Pretzelmaker.  I literally got tears in my eyes.  It. was. that. awesome.  So I give you Thomas, feasting on his first original pretzel with pizza sauce.  And go there.  You'll thank me.  And who knows?  You may see us there since I find an excuse to go there EVERY TIME WE ARE IN TACOMA.
  5. Among this week's quotes that I never wish to repeat again?
    "Shelley, there may or may not be poop in our bed.  I just don't know and didn't want to look."
    For the record, there wasn't.  But that didn't stop me from washing EVERYTHING.  Thanks, Thomas.  Love it when you curl up in bed with us.
  6. Our concrete finally got poured for the generator last weekend.
    SO grateful to Jonathan, Kevin and Uncle Jerry for getting that taken care of. 
  7. Finally, a glimpse into last Saturday night when I got home from the Seattle Relay Summit.  So excited to get home and sleep in my own bed.  The concrete had been poured for the generator, just before the first major storm of the season hit later that day.  We tucked into bed early that night, listening to the rain pounding down and the winds picking up.  Our canopy was tacked down with bricks and the tarps were secure, protecting the fresh cement.  And then the nighttime hit.  As Jonathan recollected the next day...this is how our night went.
    • 9:00 pm:  Go to bed.
    • 10:30 pm:  Uncle Jerry calls to ask which Supreme Court Justice to vote for.
    • 1:30 am: Thomas wakes up the first time.
    • 2:30 am:  Thomas goes back to bed.
    • 3:00 am:  Thomas wakes up the second time.
    • 3:30 am:  Crash in yard signifies that we have liftoff and the canopy has become temporarily airborne.
    • 3:34 am:  Thomas gets dinner in his highchair, strapped in so he can't get into trouble.  We are bundled up and head out into the rain and wind to save the concrete.
    • 3:35 am:  We realize we are going to need a new canopy. 
    • 3:59 am:  Everything is recovered and we all want a drink.  Too bad it's already Sunday morning.  Oh, and I'm pregnant.  We still want a drink.

And a bonus.  Just because.  Here's Thomas, filmed by Jonathan, showing off his newest skill.  Enjoy.


KCina said...

Seriously, what is it with kiddos and their fascination with falling into things head first and just laughing their tails off? Love it!

You worked at Lloyd Center? Where did you go to college again? I never knew that preztel place was called that...guess I better go check it out the next time we are on that side of town.....

Get've got a HI trip coming up and the LAST Relay Summit!

Unknown said...

Two things:

#1- The PretzelMaker showing up in your mall is truly the work of the Lord.

#2- The video of Thomas is HILARIOUS! I imagine he watches his fair number of trees do just that and figured it looked like fun.

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