It is raining again. I'm not quite sure how it can reach 74° in Alaska and still be cold and rainy here. Clearly, we are not supposed to be able to kill all our grass to plant fresh. We are destined to have half-killed grass FOREVER.
Quick successes of this week:
- Have gotten back into the swing of things following our trip to Iowa and Thomas's eczema outbreak from allergies. This week, we had meatloaf (my first time ever making it, thanks for the inspiration, Jen!), chicken piccata, three bean chili, lemon oregano chicken, and tacos. Tonight, turkey meatloaf and probably chicken piccata tomorrow at Mom and Dad's in Gig Harbor. It's INSANE how many products have soy. Finally found Earth Balance soy-free for Thomas (thanks, Ern!), as well as a few cans of goat milk and coconut milk to try. Also found an awesome egg replacer for baking and binding. And I'm pretty sure I was the only Republican in the entire Olympia Food Co-op.
- Replaced Thomas's crib. We received it as an awesome hand-me-down from Thomas's cousins Ian and Jared. It was recalled (1 million Simplicity cribs were recalled) for the metal bars breaking (which we are SO lucky didn't happen, because he jumps up and down ALL. THE. TIME.) Since the company had gone out of business, we were able to get cash back (six years after the purchase!) and replace it with a crib we found at Target. So appreciative of Jonathan putting it together (again).
- Thomas is an awesome snuggly bear. Both Jonathan and I made time to just snuggle with him this week when he wasn't feeling well, and it's been awesome. He hardly ever sits still anymore and to have those little moments have been so peaceful.
- Loving checking the mail right now. Jonathan and I did our first-ever letter writing campaign, and it's been so much fun to find our envelopes coming back to us. We are hoping to hit our $7500 goal by Relay (just less than a month away) and are getting closer each day!
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