Each year, we've designed a playlist of songs to inspire our team as we get ready to Relay.
The original mix was a collection of songs that I'd pulled together from Relay peeps that I know and love (more details here). This year, the songs are a collection of tunes to help us celebrate, remember and fight back. As a team, we're rallying behind Jim Connolly -- in the lower right hand of the photo above. He was diagnosed with kidney cancer in December, which has moved to his bones as well. His daughters added three songs to this year's mix: Blue Skies, Dream Big, and Here Comes the Sun.
All good stuff.
And an awesome mix of introspective & 'fire it up' songs.
I'm giving away a copy of this year's CD to another Relayer -- to win, all you have to do is leave a comment -- tell me what Relay you are involved with and what you do -- are you a team member, captain, committee member... :) Super simple!
I'll draw tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 6 pm Pacific -- so don't wait!
I am a Team Captain for the first time in a really long time! I have a friends and family team at the Lakewood Relay event.
Hi Shelley!
Please put me in your drawing...go South Kitsap Relay!! :)
Oh...I must add to my previous comment! My name is Heidi Anderson and I am the Event and Sponsorship Chair for the South Kitsap Relay for Life, which we hold each year in Port Orchard, Washington, at the South Kitsap High School. This year we are stepping up our game and I've begun the Get My Buzz On campaign. I've challenged our Relay to raise $225K and if they hit the mark, I will have all of my hair buzzed off at our event which will be held on June 11th & 12th. Go SK Relay!!!!!
Beaverton (Oregon) Relay For Life Event Chair...HOPE FLOATS! I Relay for my almost 4-year old daughter so she never, EVER has to lose another friend or family member to cancer!
Love the 2010 Edition Shelley! ;-)
~ Kathy & Charlie too!
Hi Shelley!
I am the Event Chair for the East Clark County Relay For Life that will be held June 5th & 6th at Washougal High School in Washougal, WA! 8th year and brand new facility (my alma mater as well)! I have been Relaying for 8 years now and on the Committee for 8 years! My grandparents invited me to come to a meeting 8 years ago because they were both cancer survivors! I have been Relaying for them. But recently lost my Grandma Dot Bahr on Feb. 16th to Stage 4 Lung Cancer. She battled for 6 months and was already a 31 year breast cancer survivor. I Relay for her and my two Grandpa's and for too many family and friends that have been lost over the years. And I Relay so that my 3 1/2 year old twin boys never have to hear the words, "You have cancer."
Kathy Cina sent me :)
I'm Libby, and I relay at the Vancouver, WA. Relay, and home of one of the 2010 CPS-3 enrollment sites. I've been known to dress in the polyp man suit, do a lot with advocacy, team captain, committee member, sew a 8 foot long pink spandex walk thru colon... the list goes on.
Hey Shelley - I proudly Relay in Issaquah WA...I'm on the event planning team as well as a team captain. This is the 10th year that Team Aloha will take to the track to raise funds for ACS.
Hi Shelley,
I very proudly Relay in the Grays Harbor Relay. I am on the event planning committee as Survivor Chair, Media/Publicity and Luminaria. Also I am a 16 year cancer survivor!!
Jane Madtson
I Relay because it allows me to make a difference in the lives of thousands that are currently battling the disease. I Relay in memory of family and friends that have lost the battle. Most of all, I Relay because it's the right thing to do.
I Relay because it allows me to make a difference in the lives of thousands that are currently battling the disease. I Relay in memory of family and friends that have lost the battle. Most of all, I Relay because it's the right thing to do.
Hi Shelley - I've been with the Relay For Life of Hillsboro for 6 years now. I am the Online Chair and the Registration/Accounting Chair. I also am the Team Captain of my 3 teams - Tami's CUREageous Sprites!
Hay Shelley, You are such an Inspration to me. I thank you for allowing me to learn from watching you do! I am a past event chair and now on the Relay Council.
Hi Shelley,
I have been a team captain for Relay for Life for 19 years - The Tacoma Event. I relay because I love seeing more & more Survivors on the track during the opening walk each year. Your enthusiasm was a great inspiration to me when you were with the Tacoma Event. Would love to win a copy of your collection. Joyce Walsh
OK, I'm entering to win your 2010 RFL mix cd.
In case you don't know already, I'm involved with the Tacoma Relay For Life, I'm a team captain of 25 years, a team member or 26 years, a committee member of 21 years and am currently the Logistics person for Tacoma Relay For Life and have been in this position off and on for over 10 years.
Hey, could I win a copy of the CD with my background, please?
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