I love this pizza. Love it. I was seriously craving hawaiian pizza on Good Friday (of course), so the first thing I did on Saturday morning when Thomas went down for his nap was to start the dough.
I honestly didn't realize I'd get as much use from my breadmaker as I do. We do go through 'feast and famine' stages with it, where I use it to death, and then tuck it away for a few weeks.
After Lent, we are definitely feasting! :)
The recipe for the dough is really simple (and I bet it can be adapted to be done without the breadmaker, the bread machine is WAY easier though!):
- 1 cup beer (a great way to go through the beer that Jonathan doesn't like)
- 2 TB butter
- 2 TB sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 1/2 c all-purpose flour (I usually use 1 1/2 cups whole wheat, 1 cup white)
- 2 1/4 tsp yeast
When it's finished, flour up your hands and pull out the dough. It's super sticky, so I roll it out on a pizza pan using a silicone rolling pin (in lieu of flour).
I have a stash of pizza seasoning from Penzey's, so I always top the unbaked dough with a generous amount of seasoning before adding the pizza sauce. My other secret with pizza? I'm addicted to Muir Glen's pizza sauce. One can more than covers a whole pizza, so I stash the rest in the fridge and make Thomas mini-pizzas during the week on whole grain english muffins. It isn't the cheapest pizza sauce there is, but it's definitely worth it.
You can top the pizza with whatever you want. I usually grab whatever is nearing the end of it's shelf life in the fridge.
Preheat the oven to 400° F and pop the pizza in. I set the timer for 24 minutes but check the top of the pizza when there's a few minutes left. When it's browning on top and the cheesy is bubbly, it's good to go!
At Infinite Soups a few weeks ago, I had an incredible sweet potato & bacon soup...now I'm getting the itch for sweet potato & bacon pizza...
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