Early yesterday morning, everyone was asleep. Everyone but me. (Big surprise) I was in my clean kitchen, sitting at one of the barstools. Laptop, checkbooks, and my five favorite KnockKnock pads. At times, I am freakishly Type A. I know it. And I really dig it. :) There's something about having things out in front of me -- without it being tucked away in my BlackBerry.
On paper.
With little boxes to check off once it's done.
My favorite 'check the box' pads? The "To Do" list and "Things to Do Around the House". I've used a sheet of To Do each day for the past few years, I just buy them in bulk when they go on sale. The Things to Do Around the House is perfect for Jonathan and me, especially on project weekends - we both know what needs to be done and what has been checked off. And you can note whose responsibility it is. :)
Planning ahead for meals has been a significant time and money saver -- especially since I'm focusing on doubling up efforts when I can. For example -- tonight, we had rotisserie chicken from Costco. I stripped the rest of the meat from the chickens we bought for enchiladas tomorrow. The carcasses went into the crock pot tonight to make chicken stock to be frozen. The remaining chicken will be on sandwiches on Tuesday. A new sheet of "What to Eat" goes up each week on the fridge and helps me focus on using up what we have before buying more.
Especially this Lent, we are focusing on using up what's in our pantry. It will not only help us keep the rotation of pantry goods moving, but we are tucking away the difference in our savings for the rice bowl at St. Columban.
Loving the peace that comes with accomplishing the tasks one-by-one: yesterday, Jonathan built my raised garden beds, a covered container, we started sanding the coolest file cabinet to paint, and we both got a lot of work done.
A deep sigh of contentment as we look ahead to the week.
And a little bit of excitement as I start tomorrow's "to do" list, tonight. :)
A few sweet links to pass along tonight...from the Simple Mom suite of websites...enjoy!
- Simple Bites
"Real food for the family table". Great food with little fuss. Love the one-pot meals. - Simple Mom
"Live simply, stay sane. Life hacks for home managers." Focus on productivity at home. Just makes me happy. - Simple Kids
"Uncomplicated parenting in a complex world". Fun ideas and inspiration.
I got my Relay winning’s in the mail today!
Thank you SO MUCH!
I heart all things purple!
OMGosh!!!! Shelley, I NEED THOSE TO DO PADS!!!! :) Where do I get them? LOL! Yeah, Type A.... I'm just a little bit. hahaha
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