Inspired by some of my favorite things...awesome to share if you have a Relay team yourself! :)
- A copy of our team theme CD from 2007: songs that were inspirational to our team in our quest to raise $62,000 that year
- 1 pack of 50 purple silicone HOPE bracelets - giveaway or sell at your own event!
- 2 silver dog tags with the "Celebrating 25 Years of Hope" logo
- A sweet little notebook with a silver cover "Imagine a World with More Birthdays"
- A Relay pedometer
- There are a few little bonus prizes in there if you do Relay yourself -- because you'll appreciate them in your fundraising! :)
To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment! [And if you Relay...I'd love to know who you Relay for! :) ]
Giveaway closes at 9 pm Pacific, so enter now! :)
Good luck!
I just started my team for the Highline Relay on Monday and I'm SO excited!!!
I actually found your blog in relation to relay...
I relay for my Mom, who is currently fighting lung cancer (only 1 more chemo left!). I relay because I am tired of losing loved ones to cancer, and I am ready to beat this for good!
I realy because... RELAY IS AMAZING!
I am thankful for your Blog Shelley... You're amazing!
Oh, you know I'm all over this one! You also know why I Relay---so I'm linking one of my favorite personal blog links as to WHY
...My #1 Reason was born on May 11, 2006...my daughter Charlie is now my #1 reason to Relay...I never, EVER want her to hear the words "You've got cancer"...I also LOVE that Victor and I are raising a daughter who has been Relaying since she was just 6 weeks old (that's right folks, she was 6 weeks at her for 24-hour Relay)...She's a FUNdraising machine and she's our future! I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up becoming a researcher or doctor!
Shelley--Just a thought...even if I don't win this one (chances are #2 random won't win)..you should think about SELLING your 2007 CDs as a FUNdraiser! I'd buy one and I bet others would too!
Happy Wednesday my friend!
~ Kathy
Hey Shelley - how could I not comment on this one! Funny how our reasons to Relay change over time. While losing my dad to cancer is still my number one reason (and Dave's mom - now a 21 year survivor a close 2nd), right now the person on my heart is our friend Brett. A few months ago he celebrated his 31st b'day at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York where he had to travel to take part in a clinical trial since his cancer did not respond to traditional treatments he rec'd here. His twins just turned 3 and they really need us to keep on fighting this fight so that their dad will be a part of a world where there is less cancer and more birthdays!
Love the Relay theme! I Relay for my Grandma who lost her battle, my aunt who's battle started last week, and several friends who battle every day.
I Relay for the strongest and bravest woman I know; my Aunt Tami. I Relay because I can; I fight because she fights. I Relay for more aggressive treatments with fewer side effects. I Relay for those I've lost. I Relay for Survivors. I Relay for a cure!
Thank you Shelley!
Hi Shelley - your friend Kathy Cina talks about you all the time. I have been relaying in Beaverton for 9 years. I relay so that my daughter does not have to lose any more loved ones to cancer. Sadly this week I have learned of two friends who are battling cancer. I hate this disease! I always find it inspiring to read other relayers blogs to see how they are able to raise the money they do and to get their teams inspired.
Keep up the great work!
Jill Martin, Beaverton Relay for Life, Sole Sisters and Dad team captain.
Ooh I love Relay too! Love the orange logo --- when I get that one I am sending it to Marty! :) And I will pack up and do this too on my blog, of collections that I have to give --- can't believe you aren't asking for a donation or something.... :) This could be a great fundraiser .... Relay Relics Raffle ! :)
Cheers my dear friend - love the new blog look... :)
Oh ya -- and I Relay for so many it is a LONG list! I Relay for Mary Beth, for Chester, for Susan, for Phylecia, for Diana Love, for Chef John and for so many more.... But most of all I Relay for Schuyler to live in a cancer free world, for more birthdays for all of us!
me again!
Shelley, I Relay for both my folks who I lost to cancer and my pup Josie girl "Get the stick!" who I lost to pancreatic cancer 3 years ago this month. I have nieces and nephews and buddies with little ones too and I never want them to have to loose anyone to cancer. I'm determined to help make that difference and help to make it possible to celebrate more birthdays!
Relay Dean
My Relay journey began in 1994 at Salem's Relay For Life right after my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It always fell during Father's Day weekend and his gift was always a donation to his team. One year I walked during the night on his team wearing the
"I survived prostate cancer" sign as people giggled because it was late and dad needed a walker. Or I helped in the concessions stand, or assisted with team photos and even one year embarrassed myself by singing at Salem's event. That's what you do when you are a relay family member.In 2005, with only 3 months to plan, my husband and I helped start Sherwood's RFL and 6 years later that event has raised over $250,000 for ACS. Last year I was blessed to be a part of Beaverton's RFL, what a great event and such a passionate group of people, just more friends and memories to add to my awesome relay family. :)
I relay for my dad, for my community, and for the children with cancer. Relay is my extended family. And we take care of each other, one step at a time...
Nice to meet you! I Relay for Forest Grove and this will be my 7th year. I joined Relay because I lost my mom to breast cancer 16 years ago, she was only 46 years old. I guess it's my way of saying thanks to her and doing the only thing that I can to help find a cure.
Dawn A.
I relay because of my wife and daughter,see CFCina's post above, but also I'm a survivor of 39 years. I've been relaying with my wife for the last 5 years now.
I've only relayed a couple of times, but am there in spirit when I can't... When I can, it is for so many people, but especially for my high school students- so many of them are healthy, but filling in parental roles while either mom or dad or one of their siblings are battling cancer. It makes me sad to see them miss out on their childhood years and I think it is so cool to see them create their own teams to relay together!
Fun giveaway!
I Relay because Shelley and her husband started a CTM Relay team when Jonathan came to work for us! If it wasn't for you, Shelley, I wouldn't be Relaying at all! This year, I Relay for my friend/law partner/brother/team member Jim Connolly, whose recent diagnosis took our breath away.
I relay becuase of my grandfather who lost a battle to Leukemia 13 years ago. I relay for my childhood librarian, Judy Phillips, who died a few years back. I relay simply becuase it is the RIGHT thing to do in doing my part to take up this fight against cancer, which affects us all.
Ooooh! I relay for all my family members who have lost their battle to cancer and all the ones that continue to fight. I especially relay for my hula family who has lost a family member each year for the past 4 years to cancer.
That is why I relay
I Relay for many people, most notably my Marie McEntee, my grandmother I never got to meet. I also Relay for many others friends and family member who have fought the fight. I immediately think of my mom's mom who survived breast cancer and my sorority sister Kelly Williams, who did not win her battle with cervical cancer and died at 22. We need a cure.
Hi Shelley - I am on Kathy's RFL committee and I wanted to share that I relay because as everyone else...I want to see an end to cancer. I of course have lost some loved ones and witnessed great stuggles, but today my involvement with ACS became even more valuable. I went to a new bible study for the first time, and another lady went to the same study who doesn't even go to our church. But God had a plan in the meeting because her husband is fighting cancer and she is so tired and worn out and discouraged. They have 10 kids and have been battleing for over 9months. She could barely stop weeping during our study time. I started crying as I heard her story and was immediately able to offer ACS and speak to her about some support opportunities available for them. I know I was supposed to meet her today, and I only hope I can be of some support to her or others by volunteering for ACS. - Sonya Olsen, Beaverton RFL
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