They are not Bakerella-decorated quality yet, but I'll take 'em!
Things I learned in my first ever round of making cake balls:
- Do not make cake balls while hungry.
- You need to make the balls ahead of time, and chill them. I chilled overnight in the fridge, but popping them in the freezer for a bit helped significantly.
- They are messy.
- Do not combine making cake balls + feeding the child. You will tear your hair out at the mess.
- Do not make cake balls while hungry.
- Do not expect perfection on the first round. There is a steep learning curve for insane Bakerella style prettiness.
- And you really shouldn't make cake balls while hungry. Cake + frosting + candy shell = heaven.
Those cake balls are always a big hit!
What did you use for your black coating? I'm hosting a black-red-and-silver themed baby shower in Jan. and I wanted to do Red Velvet cake balls, but was thinking I'd have to do white coating, since the chocolate would be brown and clash with my color scheme!
I have tried making these too, but I had the hardest time dipping them, what did you do?
For the black coating, I used the Halloween edition of the Black Candy Melts (found here: http://tinyurl.com/blackcandymelts). You could definitely use Red Velvet Cake Mix for the cake -- and mix with cream cheese frosting. It would stay a deep red, as the frosting essentially turns the color of the cake. I used white vanilla frosting in mine, and you couldn't see any white once it was mixed. You could use red or white candy melts too!
I had a really hard time at first. I googled "tips" and found these which really helped...
Freeze before covering. I had them in the fridge overnight, but it didn't get them firm enough because they would crumble when I tried to shake off the excess coating.
Use a lollipop stick to dip. I just dunked it in the deep cup (not a shallow bowl) and rotated it gently like a joystick to cover. Then let the excess slide off.
Add a bit of shortening to the candy melts - it makes it easier to work with. I think I added a tsp or so.
Hope that helps! :)
Now I want cake... I love cake!!! What a fun idea- little balls of cake; does it get any better??? Lindsay
Linds - you would love them. They are so addictive. The cake ball itself is made of just cake + frosting (to make it denser) and then dipped in candy coating. Doesn't get much better than that!!
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