The Wee Ski went to his first Seahawks game today. We made a day of it - heading up early to beat the rush, visiting the pre-game fun stuff at the Qwest Event Center, and helped Thomas adjust to the craziness that is Game Day.
We'd been reading our "Let's Go Seahawks" book for the past few nights, and flipped through it on the way up north. You can do a lot of flipping during a 90 minute drive. The Wee Ski also napped a bit. Papa drove and listened to the pre-game on the radio, and Mommy read blogs on her blackberry.

Since it was a good bonding time for father/son, Jonathan wore Thomas in the Bjorn, and Thomas wore the season tickets around his neck. Thomas can come with us without a separate ticket for 3 more years. That's what I'm talking about.

With a sold out game and more than 60,000+ fans expected, we wanted to help Thomas adjust to a slightly bigger crowd than we would normally find in Rainier. :)
We got there early, had some snacks, walked the sights, and got some photos.

I love that this child knows what a self-portrait is. He is better at these than regular photos.

Because of the famous 12th man at Qwest, the incredible deafening noise that the fans make, Jonathan bought Thomas special earmuffs to help protect his ears.
Thomas was not a fan.
We conceded and made him wear them only during the times that Arizona had the ball. Unfortunately for both Thomas and the Seahawks, that was a lot.
Thomas mastered the art of flipping them off his head when he was done wearing them.

And Papa would snuggle him back in, and slide the earmuffs back on.
Earmuffs! (If you've seen Old School, you'll know that by the terrible play of the Hawks today, we needed both real and virtual earmuffs :) )

Fine, I'll wear these stupid things. Can I have a nap now?

Time to rally! If only the Seahawks could have rallied like he did...I'm pretty sure this is my most favorite photo of late.

During the third quarter, Thomas and I slipped outside for a bit for a change of scenery. We happened to miss a giant fight that broke out 2 seats down from us - where 2 Steelers fans got beaten up by Seahawks fans, and then were ejected. Jonathan sent a warning text to stay put outside. :)
We ran into Noah and his papa near the end, Kevin and Heidi at the beginning, and a handful of firefighters that Jonathan knew.

And then it was lights out for the Wee Ski. Most of the 4th quarter and the walk back to the car.

Night night!

Here's hoping Thomas brings more mojo for the team the next time he goes!
Chuck is puzzled that the Steeler fans were at the Seahawks game at all, much less getting beaten up by the normally-polite Seahawks fans. Why weren't they watching the Steelers win? On TV? Other than that mystery, great recap!
I was confused too -- when we got back to the seats, I said "you mean Cardinals fans, right?"
Nope, it was Steeler fans.
You'll have to get the inside track from Jonathan when you guys get back!! :)
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