My twentieth weekly edition of Small Successes for moms (hosted over at Faith and Family Live!) they say, it’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph.
- I asked for help. On Sunday after we got home from Mass, Jonathan took over at home and kept the Wee Ski happy, the three of us fed (well, he made sure I still took time to feed Thomas), and gave me a day to get caught up on work. I put in 11 straight hours, which felt so good by the time I went to sleep that night.
- I was humbled. By how insignificant petty things are when real heartbreak occurs.
- I asked God for help with my pride.
- My husband, who is my rock.
- grace (the gift, not the person)
And my sweet boy...yesterday, as he turned six months old.

These successes are truly wonderful!
Great successes & I love that picture of your sweet boy! He's darling!
shell, please cease putting pictures up of weeski for two reason:
1. he's making us all look AWFUL in comparison
2. it physically pains me to look at someone this cute
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