
Sunday, September 21, 2008

An afternoon with the feet up

The perfect Sunday afternoon. Lots going on in the last week or so. Loving the quiet and stillness of today.
  • Just returned from several days in Reno for the 2009 Relay For Life Leadership Summit. An amazing experience, especially being able to share it with Jonathan. He attended as a Top Fundraiser from the Great West Division for our team. Pics and details to come. Learned how much slower I truly move with Angus on board. :)
  • Jonathan and Kevin are up at Qwest Field at the Seahawks game...and I am balancing my time equally between the Food Network, wireless internet, and sleeping on the couch. With my feet up. I've watched a bit of the fourth I can imagine that they are now celebrating the Hawks' first win of the season.
  • Love that Baby DeWeese will be an awesome little buddy for Angus. Here's to little boys!
  • You should buy my house. You'll get a sweet little place in the north end, with the world's best neighbors, and you can move right in. Our house is fuller now down here in Rainier, with the closets emptied and the rest of the artwork off the walls from the house in Tacoma.
  • A number of details have been worked out with the MER/BAC merger, set for early 2009. A great move by both companies.
  • Jonathan's legislative services budget for the SE Thurston Fire & EMS was approved.
  • I found the perfect hybrid dog of our two dogs...the Alaskan Klee Kai.
  • When catching up on blog reading early this morning, I clicked through Amy Welborn's blog to a beautiful piece in today's New York Times. Was crying pretty hard when Jonathan looked up at me in the kitchen...and then I realized that the author was Jonathan's advisor in college. A moving piece about life and its preciousness, no matter what the length. From the Times: My First Son - A Pure Memory
  • Watching All-Star Desserts on the Food Network. Recognized the Blueberry Dumplings from a few years ago at my annual Christmas dinner. Serious yum.
  • Pondering this week's meals. Since we've been married, I have had the master spreadsheet (I know, big surprise, huh?) of what we eat for lunch and dinner...helping to plan and shop more efficiently. It was incredibly helpful when we began the transition to less wheat and dairy. Over the last few weeks though, I've had very little energy or desire to cook from I've been cheating a bit with more ready-made. Tomorrow marks the day in the fall where daylight and nighttime are I'm hoping that a transition to a few easy crock pot meals will help get me back on board. Any recipes you'd recommend?


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the link to David's article. He was my college advisor, too. I'd never heard this story before; I just remember the joy of when Benjamin was born. His story makes me even more grateful for that beautiful ultrasound I had on Friday, to get to see my little guy squirming.

I think you've earned your restful Sunday -- conferences, air travel, selling a house and corporate mergers require a lot of Food Network and vegging out.

Hope we can catch up soon.

Elizabeth Ann said...

I cried too.... knowing what is it like to hold your dead child and not wanting to her let go.
Thanks for sharing.
love you- all three of you!

KCina said...

Shelley--I don't know how you found my blog...but I was gonna add you to my amazing list of "WOWs" from this Relay Summit weekend....Please email me so I can email you back..YOU totally ROCKED as a faciliator and I'd like to keep in contact with you!

I had NO idea you were so into photography...we need to seriously talk girlfriend!

I'm the crazy lady at Sea Tac Thursday afternoon that asked you if you were friends with Doreen...then I found out you were YOU, but didn't bother to get your bad...did that alot this weekend!

Glad you had a good trip...hope you have been able to relax some..I have your blog on my list now watch out!

~ Kathy ;-) (Hillsboro, OR)

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