
Thursday, October 4, 2007


people spend so much time, every single day
running 'round all over town, giving their forever away...
...give me your forever
not another day less will do
from you
-ben harper, forever

if jonathan and i have learned anything in the last few months as we've prepared for our's that we are blessed in so many ways...especially in the people who know us and love us (in spite of us!). honest to god, we do not deserve the friends and family that god's placed in our lives. so many people have stepped in, at just the right times, to help with projects, take care of things that can't seem to get done, and help us learn that it's ok to not accomplish everything on the to-do list in a day. we are so lucky. thank you.

we're learning to redefine our lives, our time, our commitments. i suppose this is a recurring theme here in viper's world...but it's really representative of what we've been working through in our adjustment to 'becoming one'.

the wedding is in just under 3 months - and the last of the major decisions need to be done by the end of the month. by the time november hits, i'll be travelling, and when december hits, it will be christmas (tree) season. here's what's ahead for me...

oct 5-8 • iowa
the bottenfield version of "meet the parents" with the prince

october 19-21 • eugene, oregon
relay university, presenting

november 2-4 • regina, saskatchewan, canada
western canada leadership summit, canadian cancer society, keynoting

november 8-9 • salt lake city, utah
american cancer society targeted focus groups, leading

november 23-25 • portland, oregon
the last calm weekend before the wedding with the prince, chilling :)

december 30-january 10 • rarotonga
honeymoonin' it up in the south pacific ♥

and because every post is better with a pic...and i took this yesterday before the photo shoot... :)

check out the inside of union station...

i simply love this glass by dale chihuly. it's hanging in the center of the rotunda...and will be the centerpiece when you walk into the station. cannot wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*tee hee hee* So exciting! Mom says to tell you she got the paperwork/information from the church. Have a safe trip this weekend!

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