around that time, the prince was referred to as "the tadpole", as named by michael g. we'd been talking a bit, but i didn't know much about him. in fact, all i knew was that i was older than him, and that his first name was jonathan.
enter shelley and her google searches.
working the internet mastery made famous by stella, vickie, and me; i discovered two things:
1. he works in my building
2. the photo of his #1 friend on myspace...was a photo i had taken.
after some fabulous recommendations from said #1 friend above and a friend #2, and friend #3, we ended up at dinner at my favorite restaurant, which led into five more dates over the next week.
the description that my close friends got was this:
he is only 24, but is more mature than me (big surprise there), is busier than me, he doesn't fear standing up to me, and I am pretty sure he is smarter than me. he is like me on crack, but a boy. and that makes me so happy.
his description about me was this:
oh my gosh, there is a girl version of me only cuter, smarter, wiser, and more catholic!!!!
and he is also my first significant other to ever grace the e-pages of viper's world. that, in and of itself, is a big accomplishment. :) to celebrate that fact...here are a few things i just love about him:
- jonathan finds the things that my mom does really funny. that's always a good sign. and he doesn't flinch when she asks crazy, nutty, typical 'big k' questions. those in the estrogen militia will truly appreciate that.
- he sent me roses for my 3/4 birthday. i loved 'em.
- he truly is busier than i am. see this really cool article. the main feature story is on page 26...but you'll also find him in other spots inside the e-magazine.
- we are totally competitive with one another, but on the big things...we're a team.
- he doesn't change the radio station while we are driving if i start singing along.
- he is captaining his own relay for life team.
- and in his own words of what i love, "i love everything about him."
and for once in his life, i think he's right. ♥
Shelley honey - bliss, bliss, bliss - so much happiness to you and your new sweetie -you look great together- keep it up Kids!
Hi there Jonathan! Meet the Canadian you!
xo Helen
so cute!!!
Yes, I noticed that the new edition of my Saint Martin's Insights was the Jonathan edition. I think he was in there at least three times. You know how excited I am for you both. *tee hee hee*
Being in love is so incredibly awesome! I'm so happy for you!
That's hot. Oh, and up yours for that comment you left me.
Very nice my friend. We all deserve true love. Love the "prince" label. Keep the fire. Do what is good for you. : )
i am so excited to meet him tomorrow! i wish you all of the best, sister ;)
i am so happy for you! What a great looking couple :)
I'm glad to see that you are so happy! <3
oooo shelley has a boooyyyfrriieennd!
(and you look happy which is very good!)
I am so happy for you! Now I will have to send your "invite" for TWO :) Ain't Love GRAND?
Together, you two make me happy. This just reconfirms God's grace in our lives. I will be praying for you both!
Yea, you have your plus one! Frankly, I was getting tired of praying for the arrival of your plus one ;) I have to say one of my biggest prayers was that you would make the time to grow a relationship. And 5 dates in one week in the Shelley Marie schedule..unheard of. Must be a keeper :-) -Marie
Hey who took the picture? It better be a self portrait! :-) Go prince!
Now if I were to find the girl version of me on crack, I'm sure I would be taken, too. :) heehee. So awesome. congrats goes out all the way from Thailand...
thanks, guys. he is definitely a keeper. ♥ each day just gets better with him.
and helen, my favorite blogging canadian, his relay tent site is the one you had last year. you'll know right where to find him. :)
Oh congratulations!
How fun! And when I saw Andrea's coment I wanted to start singing
"Shelley and Jonathan sittin' in a tree
Cuz I'm mature like that:-) Enjoy all the smoochin'!!!
I do believe I'm jealous!
Reading this makes my heart flutter! You sound perfect for each other. I am sooooooo happy for you...both!!
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