first and foremost, i need to thank rich (of brown rice fame) for his patience with me. he has been the driving force in the transformation, and i cannot thank him enough. he and his family are an incredible blessing to me. seriously. they are just that fabulous. don't be jealous.
with rich, there were a great bunch of peeps who stepped in...tim, jim, mikey and kristine, chris, kris, sandy, liz, austin, paige, and papa...thank you guys. i love you!!
so, without any further adieu...
it makes me laugh that i always focus on photos for others, but for me...well, for the life of me, i cannot find my 'before' images to compare to the afters. argh!! so we'll have to settle for front door before and afters (front door image from last year's snowy days, as evidenced by the snow in the photo :) )
the front door, circa 2005:

the front door, circa october 2006:

the grand list of all the work that's gone into this:
- removed the world's ugliest 4x4 trim from all over the front and corners of the house
- insulated and re-trimmed all the windows
- moved the doorbell and installed a new one - one of my very favorite things. the old doorbell was right where the paperboy would leave my paper, and the doorbell would ring promptly at 4:30 a.m. each morning when the paper would arrive. viper looked forward to that every single morning of the last two years. every freaking morning.
- rewired the front porch light to the other side of the front door, moved the mailbox and replaced the house numbers
- painted the whole house and garage in back light gray, with darker gray and white trim
- added shutters to all the main windows
- removed the tv antenna and painted some of the pipe-y things on top of the house (nice technical term, huh?)
- trimmed the trees in the front and back of the property
rewired the back porch light, fixed the whole 'chi flatiron' tripping the wiring in the house incident, cleaned the furnace, installed a sweet new digital thermostat, fixed the gutters on the back of the house, fixed the garage disposal, changed out the hanging lamp over the dinner table.

see viper in the window? that's where you'll always find her. keeping on eye on things.
projects for the spring of 2007?
gardening. :)
it looks great! can you please come and help with with mine now?!
PS - I had breakfast with Vanessa today!
Oh it looks great! And how fun to change things and make them the way you want. I can't wait to have a house to do all that fun stuff to. And Viper is such a little cutie patootie:-)
thanks! if only you could have seen how ugly the 4x4s were!!
but viper is happy, she loves all the visitors. :)
and i am jealous that you got to see vanesssa! i haven't seen her in ages!
What's a "garage disposal"? :) Is that what happens when you tape paper over automatic motion/night sensor lights mounted on the garage without first turning them off?
Seriously...nice shutters and great job all around. Especially on the painting!
the "garage disposal" is proof that unlike what some people mistakenly think, i am not perfect. :) perfect, no, perfectionist, yes!
but just remember:
like me, like thee!
and we all learned a valuable lesson (about $50 worth) about a switch marked "furnace" !!! :)
I am so there for the spring projects!
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