marcus, jennifer, and two-and-a-half year old ethan. down at point defiance, with the ducks and leaves and rocks to throw in the water. you couldn't take ethan away from the ducks until he'd had his fill.

mother and son, away from the bright light and taking a moment in the shade. i love him in his little red sweater - gazing up at his grandma.

i turned around and found mom and dad swing dancing under the trees...not realizing anyone else was paying attention. they moved to better light with the water and trees in the background...and this is what i caught:

ethan was a little shy, until a group of boys who had been playing frisbee (and it's almost november, god bless indian summers!) finished up and were walking by. he turned to them "hi guys! good job!"

and a variation on my favorite sunset image...with marcus lifting ethan high into the air, and the sunlight pouring through. that made me happy.

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