is how long i have inhabited this earth!
time for a little flashback...how about to my fifth birthday in 1982? (topless? me? it was no secret that i didn't like wearing clothes. so at my fifth birthday, i had only enough on to cover my bum.) and yup, that's my mom with a custom cake and some fabulous hi-c to celebrate...we were stylin' in the early eighties. no one could touch us. :)
in honor of my birthday, i thought i would share 29 things that bless my life. in no particular order...
- my birth mom - for bringing me into this world. katherine davidson, if you ever read this, know that i love you and am so very grateful to you for giving me life. thank you.
- my mom - thanks for putting up with my best highs and my worst lows over the past 29 years. you are my best friend.
- my papa - who awakes every morning with joy at the thought of spending the day with me at the office. :)
- my faith - it rocks my socks.
- the funny things people say after they start a sentence with, "so i was reading your blog..."
- when viper gets excited about playing outside and she has to go #1, she lifts up both back legs and pile drives her face into the ground.
- kris - who is so many things to me - a friend, confidant, teammate, editor, funny story teller, inside joke keeper, and (with me) secret blog author.
- kristine - my future sister-in-law. you amaze me each day with how well you treat mikey, and i am excited to welcome you into the fam. you sure you want us all? :)
- fountain diet cokes from anywhere. i think that today, on my birthday, john evans should buy me one. (i'd like a soda from the 50s, please!)
- forgiveness. god knows i need a lot of it, and i am really grateful for it.
- the estrogen militia. you know who you are. i love you.
- the british chippie - words cannot express what you bring to my life. and someday, i will hook you up with the real delta charlie.
- lindsay milasich - of the short list of things i thank zoltan for, you're at the top of the list.
- stella mo bella and vickie - of the short list of things i thank maryelyn for, you're at #1 and #1 on the list.
- karl - you always keep me on my toes. so glad you're in my life.
- jonathan - my second brother. thank you for the surprise in the mail. you're the best.
- mikey - you've put up with a lot from me over the years (thinking of junior high and high school). i'm glad you still talk to me. see #10. ♥
- all the peeps from st. andrew's. you rock my socks.
- relay for life - something i cannot imagine my life without. to barbara patterson and brian marlow, thank you for kicking me in the bum and getting me involved. i cannot thank you enough.
- jennifer heaps. heaps and heaps of sheeps and peeps. you amaze me each day with your love for your faith and your life. i love you!
- andrea and vanessa - the two gals who i looked up to most in college, trained me in the fine art of sales, and shared their creative expertise with me. thank you.
- g-pity - thank you for always lending an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. thanks.
- the fabulous foursome - thank you for loving me like you do. you queens of key are a treasure in my life.
- michael g - wow. seven years flies by. from the days of binders and overnighters to late nights and strong, faith filled friendships. i love you.
- jo anne - from the years at bellarmine and on, thank you for your friendship and patience with me. :) may it continue longer than the fries in the plant at kfc.
- my extended family - from minnesota to iowa. incredible love and devotion to our family.
- joanie - for happy signs and birthday treats. you always know what to say.
- cindy - for believing in me more than i believe in myself. ;)
- for all the struggles i have had in my 29 years, for the lessons i've learned from them. see #10. they make me who i am today. i love my life.
happy birthday to me! ♥
Happy Birthday Girlfriend!!! Have a fantastic day.
Happy Birthday Shelley!!!
Happy Birthday! Have a great one...and have you checked for those fries lately? :)
Nice rack.
"You rock my socks!" I love you more than words. I couldn't imagine my life without you. The world was blessed the day you were born...
happy bday!
Shame on me for forgetting your B Day! You cant be 29?! Love ya, your stalker friend
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