i originally met him at st. charles, when he was in high school and i was one of the volunteers. (the photo at right was taken at his eagle scout ceremony, of which i had the honor of reading one of the prayers. june 1, 2003 - my 26th birthday)
from retreats to road trips (one of my favorite highlights would be us returning from the grotto in oregon - joel, gerad, karl and granny pfanny...with the 3 loudest, most obnoxious, funny boys driving g.p. up the wall, and karl screaming out the window, "we're canadian catholics, and we're on a Mass road trip!" i am positive that people were a little afraid of canadian catholics after that :) and i don't even remember why we were canadian), softball games to cake fights and water balloon wars with father lappe and prank calls at convention to stella, a good deal of fun was crammed into those two years.
he has always had a special place in my heart - as he and i bonded early in our friendship...at 3 in the morning at the 2002 relay for life. karl has relayed for years, as he lost his big brother, jeremy, to cancer when they were young. karl, vickie, and i spent some quality time on the golf carts, and vickie and i watched him be his crazy, nutty self when the rest of the relay world was quiet and sleepy.
now 21 and on his own, he is facing some challenges in his life, and is looking to get back in the right direction. one might say that i'm asking for st. monica's intervention, as karl's story loosely parallels the story of st. augustine (pre-conversion days).
if you wouldn't mind, please keep him (and viper and me!) in your prayers....for courage, humility, grace, forgiveness, and his return to his faith.
muchas gracias!
I will be at a convent in Gig Harbor this weekend, and you know there will be time for praying. So I will send some prayers and call on some intercessors for you, viper and karl. Shelley, you are one of my favorite peeps! :) You go with ya bad self...g pity
shelley tell karl that ill be praying for him. and for u two. i used to be in scouts with him...he's a good guy. i used to see him around but haven't lately. good luck
thank you both, and everyone who has e-mailed support. i love you guys...thanks for being a fabulous prayer support.
♥ ♥
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